曾淑惠Shu-Hui, Tseng2016-04-282016-04-282015-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77929本研究旨在藉由對科技校院教師評鑑品質及提議的探究,勾勒出科技校院教師評鑑的樣貌,主要採專家訪談、德懷術及問卷調查三種方法,共計9 位專家接受訪談、15 位擔任德懷術專家進行三回合問卷以凝聚共識,並發展問卷共寄發715份,回收486 位教師的意見(問卷回收率68%)。主要研究結果包括:(一)衡量科技校院教師評鑑品質的規準,計有適切性、效用性、可行性以及精確性四項度計41 項規準內容;(二)私立學校教師對其所屬學校教師評鑑制度,在效用、可行以及精確性品質規準肯定度不高;(三)設計科技校院教師評鑑制度仍有五大類的議題須要留意。This study focused on the quality and proposals of faculty evaluation in universities/colleges of technology. It was conducted mainly through expert interview, the Delphi technique, and questionnaire survey. Specifically, there were 9 experts interviewed. As for the Delphi method procedure, 15 scholars were consulted in three rounds in order to reach a consensus. Totally, 486 questionnaires were collected from faculty in universities/colleges of technology. The result of the study was as follows: 1.The criteria for measuring the quality of faculty evaluation in universities/colleges of technology include 4 dimensions, i.e. the propriety, the utility, the feasibility, and the accuracy, all of which consist of 41 items of the criteria. 2. When it comes to the individual faculty evaluation system, faculty of the private universities/colleges of technology show low confidence in the quality of the indicators referring to the utility, the feasibility, and the accuracy. 3. During evaluation system design processes, there are 5 issues to take good care of.科技校院教師評鑑後設評鑑universities/colleges of technologyfaculty evaluationmeta-evaluation科技校院教師評鑑的後設評鑑Meta-evaluation of Faculty Evaluation of Technological College and University