吳舜文Dr.Wu, Shunwen林幼玲Lin,yu-lin2019-09-06不公開2019-09-062010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0596613117%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108513本研究呈現九十六及九十七學年度入學之宜蘭縣國中音樂班學生音樂性向測驗、音樂術科測驗及入學後音樂專業課程成績之表現,顯示學生音樂才能鑑定具中等以上水準且入學後專業課程表現較鑑定時為佳,其次並就鑑定所施行之性向與術科測驗及其與入學後音樂專業課程之相關進行分析,獲得具體之研究結論如后。 壹、音樂性向測驗整體分數與入學後音樂專業課程成績之相關情形:一、性向測驗整體分數與入學後專業課程學習總成績具高度相關。二、性向測驗整體分數與入學後副修成績具高度相關,但與主修成績未具相關。三、性向測驗整體分數與入學後視唱聽寫、音樂欣賞、樂理成績具高度相關,尤以視唱聽寫最為顯著,與和聲、合奏則未具相關,合唱僅於女生顯示相關。 貳、音樂性向測驗分測驗分數與入學後音樂專業課程成績之相關情形:一、性向測驗以音高分測驗分數與入學後專業課程總成績達高度相關,女生於音的和諧度分測驗及男生於音高分測驗亦有相關,惟部分分測驗為負相關。二、性向測驗以音的和諧度分測驗與入學後副修成績達高度相關,男生於音高、音的記憶廣度分測驗亦呈現相關,惟與主修成績不具相關且部分分測驗與主修成績呈現負相關。三、性向測驗以音高、音的記憶廣度、音的和諧度分測驗分數與入學後視唱聽寫成績具高度相關,部分分測驗與音樂欣賞、樂理成績呈現相關,但亦有分測驗與和聲、合奏成績出現負相關,且不同學年度入學與不同性別學生在分測驗與共同課程各科成績之相關情形不盡相同。 參、音樂術科測驗整體分數與入學後音樂專業課程成績之相關情形:一、術科測驗整體分數與入學後專業課程學習總成績具高度相關。二、術科測驗整體分數與入學後主修及副修成績具高度相關,男生則僅與副修成績具相關。三、術科測驗整體分數與入學後視唱聽寫成績具高度相關,與和聲、音樂欣賞、樂理、合唱成績亦有相關,合奏則多未具相關,且男生之音樂欣賞與合奏成績與術科測驗整體分數呈現負相關。 肆、音樂術科測驗分項分數與入學後音樂專業課程成績之相關情形:一、術科測驗以音樂常識及聽寫分項分數與入學後音樂專業課程總成績最具相關,次之為視唱分項分數亦具相關。二、術科測驗以主修分項分數與入學後主修成績,以及聽寫、視唱分項分數與入學後副修成績,最具相關;但男生聽寫與視唱分項分數與其入學後主修成績卻為負相關。三、術科測驗分項分數多與入學後相關音樂專業課程成績具有相關,如音樂常識分項分數與入學後樂理、和聲成績,聽寫分項分數與入學後視唱聽寫、和聲成績,以及視唱分項測驗分數與入學後視唱聽寫成績等,但主修分項分數與入學後共同課程成績卻多呈現負相關。 依據研究結論,研究者並提出音樂才能鑑定、音樂班學生輔導、及後續研究之相關建議,以作為我國未來藝術才能優異教育改進與發展之參考。  This study was to discuss the correlation of the musically-talented students’ musical aptitude test,musicalperformance test, and learning achievement of musical professional curriculum after entering the musically-talented classes. Subjects, total 82 students, were selected from those who were identified as musically-talented students during 2007-2008 academic years in Yilan County. Average and Person correlation were used for the analysis. The finding were stated as below: First, the correlation of musical aptitude test and the learning achievement of musical professional curriculum were: 1) the aptitude test and the total course scores showed highly positive correlation. 2) the aptitude test and the “minor instrument” course score showed highly positive correlation, but no correlation to the “major instrument” course. 3) the aptitude test and the “sight-singing& dictation”, “music appreciation”, and “music theory” course scores showed highly positive correlation, among the “sight-singing & dictation” was the highest. Second, the correlation of musical aptitude subtests and the learning achievement of musical professional curriculum were: 1) the “pitch” subtest showed highly positive correlation to the total course scores. 2) the “musical consonance” subtest and the “minor instrument” course score showed highly positive correlation, but some subtestsshowed the negative correlation to the “major instrument” course. 3) the “pitch”, “music memory span”, and “musical consonance: subtests showed highly positive correlation to the “sight-singing& dictation”coursescore. Third, the correlation of musical performance test and the learning achievement of musical professional curriculum were: 1) the performance test and the total course scores showed highly positive correlation. 2) the performance test and the “major & minor instrument” course scores showed highly positive correlation, although the male students showed only to the “minor instrument” course. 3) the performance test and the “sight-singing & dictation” showed highly positive along with the “harmony”, “music appreciation”, “music theory”, and “chorus” showed positive correlation, but showed negatively in the “ensemble” course in the male students. Last, the correlation of musical performance subtest and the learning achievement of musical professional curriculum were: 1) the “musical knowledge”, and “dictation” subtests and the total course scores showed highly positive correlation. 2) the “major instrument” subtest / the “major instrument” course, and the “dictation”& “sight-singing” subtests / the “minor instrument” course showed highly positive correlation, but the male students’ “dictation” & “sight-singing” subtests showed negative correlation to their “major instrument” course. 3) the subtests mostly showed highly positive correlation to the related courses, but the “major instrument” subtest showed negative correlation to many courses. According to the results of this research, the researcher also proposed some suggestions about the identification, the counseling of musically-talented students, and the future studies.音樂才能鑑定音樂性向測驗音樂術科測驗國中音樂才能班identification of the musically-talentedmusical aptitude testmusical performance testmusically-talented classes in junior high schools音樂性向測驗、術科測驗與入學後音樂專業課程表現之相關研究-以宜蘭縣國中音樂班為例A Study on the Correlation of Musical Aptitude Test, Musical Performance Test and Learning Achievement in Musical Professional Curriculum of the Junior High School Musically-Talented Classes in Yilan County