王健華李純琪TSUN-CHI LI2019-09-042019-01-012019-09-042014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099723117%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99674隨著社群網站的發展,對於企業運用的商業用途不僅在行銷端的運用,目前已經逐步發展至人力資源的運用。本研究針對招募不易且需要大量業務人員招募的保險業進行探討,主要瞭解目前保險業的招募主管運用Facebook功能進行招募及招募成效的狀況。進而了解不同的招募主管運用Facebook功能使用在招募上的差異性、對於不同的招募主管運用Facebook的招募成效差異性、不同類別的Facebook功能使用在招募上對於招募成效的影響。並由相關文獻探討及彙整,針對保險業之招募主管進行問卷調查。 本研究結果發現:一、不同年齡的招募主管對於Facebook的「資訊性」、「即時性」功能有顯著差異,不同職級的招募主管對於Facebook的「互動性」、「應用性」功能有顯著差異。二、不同年齡的招募主管對於Facebook的「成本」、「求職者聘用品質」、「求職者多樣性」的招募成效有顯著差異。三、Facebook的資訊性、互動性、即時性功能使用有正相關影響其招募成效。 根據上述研究結論,提供保險業招募主管、保險業主及後續研究者提出相關建議。After years of development, the commercial applications of social networking sites have expanded from marketing to human resource field. The object of this research is insurance industry, which has a great demand of sales agents but always having difficulties on recruiting. The main purpose of the research is to investigate how leaders of insurance sales adopting Facebook as a recruiting tool and how it affects recruiting results. There are three aspects included in the thesis, the discrepancy among various sales leader categories in terms of adopting Facebook as a recruiting tool, the different identification among various sales leader groups regarding how Facebook contributing to recruiting, the different effects on recruiting brought in by different Facebook functions. The research approaches adopted in the thesis including literature review, and questionnaire. The study found that age is a distinguished variable when it comes to information and instantaneity functions of Facebook among different sales leader groups, also, class is a crucial factor with respect to interaction and application functions of Facebook. Besides, age also plays an important role on different identification regarding recruiting cost, quality and variety of candidates when applying Facebook on recruiting process. Finally, the more sales leaders use information, interaction, instantaneity functions of Facebook, the better recruiting results could be expected. Suggestions will be offered to insurance recruiters and following researchers based on the research findings.保險業務員招募成效Facebook功能insurance saleseffects on recruitingfunction of Facebook運用Facebook招募保險業務員成效認同之研究The Effects of Recruiting Insurance Sales via Facebook