林伯修Lin, Po-Hsiu羅玉惠Lo, Yu-Hui2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003312108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107166本研究從建置理論觀點出發,分析旅遊警示燈號發布之影響因素及警示發布後造 成之影響。研究方法:以歷史文本分析及半結構深度訪談方式進行,包括訪談旅遊警 示發布機關(外交部)、旅遊業主管機關(觀光局)、疫情單位(疾管署)、旅行社、旅遊糾 紛調處單位(品保協會)及資深媒體人,以瞭解旅遊警示發布影響因素。結果發現:(一) 旅遊警示發布涉及政治因素在內。(二)警示發布因素除安全預警類外,尚有國際政治 類,具政治經濟制裁功能。(三)定型化契約以警示燈號為退費依據,使旅客期待調高 燈號以利退費。(四)媒體報導影響旅客對實際災情之判斷進而要求退團。(五)警示 燈號屬於行政指導,並不具強制力,民眾仍可自由決定出國計畫。結論:媒體報導及 輿論影響民眾認知,並期待調整燈號以利退費,但旅遊預警機制與消費糾紛或退費機 制不同,應分別處理。另若單一升高對他國警訊,可視為兩國間不友善行為,不利日 後兩國合作,故,旅遊警示發布包含國家整體經濟效益考量。This study is based on the constructivism viewpoint. Discussing the topic of "foreign travel advice released influencing factors", the factors of travel advisory releasing and impact afterward. Travel agencies and tourism by citizens signed a standard contract to contrast with foreign travel advice lights degree standard cancellation refund influence, it lights publish an impact on the population situation of consumer rights, also be discussed in the study. This paper focuses on analyzing the factors of tourism warning lights releasing, and the impact of warning released to the passengers. Methods: A historical text analysis and semi-structured in-depth interview manner, including collecting important information materials and in-depth interviews with experts about warning lights publication, to clarify the warning release factors. Result: The Travel Advice released by the foreign authorities ruled much. Not only data collection can be easily proceeded, but also considered bilateral relations, it is a political judgment signalized release factor. Travel Advice Posted factors can be categorized as security alerts class and international political class. Tourism Bureau finalizes the contract refund policy that affect the public release of the severity of the warning lights.旅遊警示燈號旅遊定型化契約行政指導foreign travel advicetourism standard contractadministrational guidance旅遊警示發布影響因素研究The influencing factors of Foreign Travel Advice publish