李建興Chien-Shing Lee蘇俊豪Chun-Hao Su2019-09-052010-7-302019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696320111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106213臺灣跆拳道運動在2004年雅典奧運獲得2金1銀的成績,且發展已有40多年歷史,與跆拳道道館的耕耘息息相關。其中,雄麒道館為我國培育出最多奧運選手之道館,培育出眾所皆知的黃志雄、宋玉麒、楊淑君等人。事實上,主要負責該道館訓練與經營的宋景宏教練乃1995-2008年擔任世界杯、亞洲杯國家代表隊教練,並為1998、2002年亞洲國家代表隊教練,除此之外更是2000、2004、2008年奧運國家代表隊教練。而雄麒道館自從1981年宋教練接手以來,一直是樹林地區獨樹一幟的道館。為感念該道館對研究者的培育之恩,本研究採質性個案研究法,經由田野觀察、半結構式訪談、相關文獻之蒐集彙整,藉由策略管理的學理探討,以培育出最多的奧運選手之雄麒道館為研究對象,瞭解個案道館經營策略模式與訓練之策略模式。歸納其經營透過垂直與水平的有效整合,形成道館經營的綜效,於訓練方面則因選訓賽輔連貫一體,方可創造國際知名選手。於實務層面則建議擴展組織規模、培育教練人才。Taiwanese Taekwondo team won 2 golds and 1 silver medals in 2004 Athens Olympic Game because of the long-term cultivation of Taiwan’s popular training centers in the past 40 more years. In particular, Hsiungchi training center has raised the most Olympists including Zhi-Xiong Huang, Uu-Chi Sung, Shu-Chun Yang. In fact, Coach Ching-Hungc Sung is in charge of the major affairs of training and managing in this center. He is not only a representive coach of World Cup and Asia Cup from 1995 to 2008 but also the coach of Olympic Games form 2000 to 2008. Hsiungchi training center was founded since 1981 by Coach Sung and has good reputation in Shulin. The purpose of this study is to conclude its traning and managing key successful factors. Qualitative case study is adopte. Data is collected through the three approaches: field observation, semistructured interviews, and document collection. The theories of strategy are also applied into this study to explore this training cernter’s training and managing modeling. Synergy created by the horizontal and vertical integration is the key successful of its management. Because this center joins tightly the sections of player selection, cultivation and contest, many international players have come form this center. The suggestion can be to cultivate more coaches and expand the organizational scale of this center.奧運跆拳道經營訓練策略Olympic GamesTae Kwon Domanagementtrainingstrategy Athens Olympic國內培育跆拳道奧運選手道館之個案研究-以台北縣雄麒道館為例A case study on the Cultivating the most Taekwondo Olympists’ Training Center in Taiwanese – Hsiungchi training center