鄧毓浩鄭柏洲Cheng Po Chou2019-08-282016-8-172019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597071206%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88483「國家認同」和「統獨問題」一直深深影響解嚴以後台灣政治民主化與本土化的發展。教育是國家活動的一環,國家對教育的介入,在民主開放體制下,成為監督者與協助者的角色。教育作為國家統治的媒介,卻是不爭的事實。政府透過教育政策的制定和執行,對各種價值進行權威性的分配,必然影響每位學生的學習和未來生涯的發展。 人民對國家的認同感,可視為國家存在意義的一項指標。對台灣來說,國家認同感的建立,不能僅僅依賴呼喊愛台灣的政治語言,更無法透過將政治競爭對手汙名化而建立台灣認同。身為台灣教育工作者一份子,最大的挑戰是透過有意義的教學,讓學生願意真正關心台灣的未來,去探討社會學習域類科教科書中所呈現的國家認同內涵,將有助於我們釐清當時的國家認同教育為何?到底在九年一貫課程改革中,教科書開放政策下,不同版本教科書所隱含國家認同內涵的為何? 本研究所使用的研究方法-內容分析法,並以此說明本研究的設計與實施方式。本研究結論,國家認同教材在康軒版與翰林版的教科書中都占有很大的比重,可見社會領域類科確實是我國實施國家認同教育的重要管道之一。康軒版與翰林版教科書中,第三冊是國家認同教材比重最重的一冊。國家認同內涵主類目以主要主題分析,「族群認同」主題所佔比例最高,「制度認同」次之,「文化認同」最低。各冊教科書所含國家認同內涵次類目,出現比例最高的主題為「生存疆域」。教科書中中國主體與台灣主體意識分布之情形分析,中國主體意識皆占了極重要的篇幅程度。不論在何版教科書中,中國主體意識最高的內容都是「族群認同」的部分。具有台灣主體意識,是以「族群認同」為主。中立意識在各版教科書大概都有二成的比例。「說明解釋」在各版本教科書中都屬主要的國家認同宣傳策略,「比喻或舉例說明」、「規範語句」也是各版本教材都曾運用的策略;「問題形式」大多運用在各版次的活動課程及課後作業中;「訴諸權威」、「攻擊」則比較少在教科書中出現。"National identity" and "unification or independence issues" has been deeply influenced the political democratization and localization development of Taiwan after abolishing martial law. Education is a part of National activities. Under a democratic system, Nations become the supervisors and assistants about the involvement of Education. It is fact that Education is a media of National governing. Government, through the development and implementation of Education policies on a variety of authoritative allocation of value, will inevitably affect every student's learning and future career development. The people’s sense of National identity canbe regarded as an indicator about the meaning of National existence. For Taiwan, it cannot just rely on the political languages, like loves Taiwan, or stigmatize the political rivals to establish the National identity. As a member of Taiwan's educators, the biggest challenge is using the meaningful teaching to make students to care the future of Taiwan and discuss the content of National identity presented in the studies textbooks of social learning domain. It will help us to clarify the content of current National Identity Education. In the reform of Grade 1-9 Curriculum, in the textbooks open-door policy, what is the intension of National Identity implied on different versions of studies textbooks? Research methods used in this study - Content Analysis, and thus illustrate the design and implementation of research methods. The conclusion of this study, the materials of National Identity have a large proportion in textbooks of Kang Hsuan and Han Lin edition. It shows that the social domain class is one of the important channels to implement the National Identity Education. Volume III has the largest proportion of National Identity materials in textbooks of Kang Hsuan and Han Lin edition. In addition, the connotation of National Identity is classified according to "ethnic identity", "institutional identity", "cultural identity", which are used as the main categories for content analysis. "Ethnic identity" is shown the highest frequency of main categorizations, followed by "institutional identity". Yet, "cultural identity" is comparatively ignored. In the sub-categories of national identity, "survival of territory" is shown the highest frequency. In the distribution of Chinese and Taiwanese consciousness, Chinese consciousness is a very important part of content. No matter what version of the textbooks, "ethnic identity" is the highest part of the content of Chinese and Taiwanese consciousness. Neutral consciousness in all textbooks probably have 20 percent ratio. "Explanation" is the main publicity strategy of national identity in textbooks. "Comparison or illustration" and "restrictive sentences" are also used as strategies in textbooks. "Question forms" is mostly used in the activity courses and homework. "Resorting to authority" and "assault" are less frequently presented in textbooks. Keywords: national identity, ethnic identity, institutional identity, cultural identity國家認同族群認同制度認同文化認同national identityethnic identityinstitutional identitycultural identity我國現行國民中學社會學習領域教科書國家認同之分析Content Analysis On National Identity In Current Secondary Social Studies Textbooks