陳學志Hsueh-Chih Chen陳婷婷Ting-Ting Chen2019-08-282009-8-262019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095902108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88872本研究主要探討教職員知覺之主管創業家精神對其創新行為及工作滿意度的影響,並進而了解個人思考風格與經驗開放性是否會與其所知覺之創業家精神產生交互作用而對創新行為及工作滿意度造成效果。為達到前述目的,本研究以國軍所屬七所軍事基礎院校的教師、行政人員及隊職幹部為研究對象,研究工具包括研究者修編的「創業家精神之知覺」、「創新行為」及「經驗開放性」量表,經過預試之後修訂成正式量表,並同時採用國內學者修編的「工作滿意度」及「思考風格」量表,針對所回收375份有效樣本,分別以描述性統計、相關分析及階層迴歸等統計方法考驗相關假設。研究結果如下: 一、教職員知覺之主管創業家精神對其工作滿意度具有正向影響;而當知覺主管「創新自主性」越高時,則其所表現的創新行為較高。 二、教職員的思考風格會對其創業家精神之知覺與工作滿意度之間具有調節效果,其中以「創新自主與立法型」及「創新自主與司法型」的交互作用對工作滿意度最具調節效果。 三、教職員經驗開放性的高低對主管創業家精神之知覺與其工作滿意度之間的關係具有顯著的調節效果,其中以創業家精神之知覺的「競爭積極」與經驗開放性的交互作用對工作滿意度最具調節效果。 近年來各軍事院校在面臨人力嚴重短缺及民間學校競爭的壓力下,有賴教職員創新的行為表現,如創新課程設計、精進行政作業流程及創造學校特色等,而教職員創新的行為表現需有主管創業家精神的領導,才能獲得支持與進步。Purposes of this study were to investigate effects of the perception of entrepreneurship on innovative behavior and job satisfaction. Additionally, this study explored the interaction between perception of entrepreneurship and its mediating variables, thinking styles and openness to experience. The interaction also used to examine the effects on innovative behavior and job satisfaction. Study subjects include faculty, administrators, and official cadres of seven military universities in Taiwan. Study instrument comprises three pretested dimensions (the perception of entrepreneurship, innovative behavior, and openness to experience) and two established scales by domestic scholars, job satisfaction and thinking styles. Descriptive statistical analyses, correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression were employed to test study hypotheses based on 375 valid respondents. Main findings of this study are as followings. (1) Perception of entrepreneurship to manager has positive effects on job satisfaction. The more innovative autonomy of managers perceived by the respondents, the better performance could be expected on their innovative behavior. (2) There are interactions between thinking styles and perception of entrepreneurship as well as job satisfaction. Significant interactions with job satisfaction found in both “innovative autonomy vs legislative style” and “innovative autonomy vs judicial style”. (3) There are significant interactions between openness to experience and perception of managerial entrepreneurship as well as job satisfaction, especially for the perception of managerial entrepreneurship with competitive and aggressive characteristics. Military universities in Taiwan have been facing serious manpower shortage and various challenges from general universities. It is time for staff of military universities to think of more innovative behavior and creative performance, such as creative curriculum design, simplified administrative procedure, and forming distinguishing features of the university. With successful leadership of managerial entrepreneurship, any innovative behavior among staff of military universities may be encouraged and improving.創業家精神創新行為工作滿意度思考風格經驗開放性entrepreneurshipinnovative behaviorjob satisfactionthinking stylesopenness to experience創業家精神之知覺對創新行為及工作滿意度的影響:以思考風格及經驗開放性為調節變項Effects of the Perception of Entrepreneurship on Innovative Behavior and Job Satisfaction: Thinking Styles and Openness to Experience as Moderating Variables.