張少熙Chang, Shao-Hsi莊秀婉Chuang, Hsiu-wan2019-09-052006-7-242019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592043016%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105309本研究旨在探討衝浪參與者從事衝浪運動之休閒參與情形,以臺灣北海岸之金山沙珠灣、大溪蜜月灣、頭城烏石港等三地點為本研究範圍,主要以問卷調查的方式,瞭解衝浪參與者之現況及其參與衝浪運動之休閒體驗、滿意度與參與傾向等情形。研究採立意抽樣方式進行,回收之有效問卷共計478份,根據所得資料,以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關等統計方法進行處理。 研究結果發現: 一、衝浪參與者之現況為:性別以「男性」居多;年齡主要介於「21~30歲」;職業以「學生」為最多;教育程度以「大專院校」最多;居住所在以大臺北都會區為主,「臺北縣」、「臺北市」分別各佔四成;衝浪次數以「7次以上」為最多;衝浪花費以「500元以下」與「501~1000元」佔多數;願意繼續參與衝浪,達九成五以上。 二、不同「性別」、「年齡」、「職業」、「衝浪次數」、「衝浪花費」之衝浪參與者,在休閒體驗上有明顯差異,顯示臺灣北海岸的衝浪參與者因特性不同,其休閒體驗情形有所差異。 三、不同「居住所在」之衝浪參與者在休閒滿意度上有明顯差異,顯示臺灣北海岸的衝浪參與者因「居住所在」不同,其休閒滿意程度亦有所差異。 四、不同「教育程度」、「衝浪次數」、「衝浪花費」之衝浪參與者,在參與傾向上有明顯差異,顯示臺灣北海岸的衝浪參與者因特性不同,其參與傾向之考量因素亦有所差異。 五、臺灣北海岸衝浪參與者在休閒體驗、休閒滿意度以及參與傾向之間有二個典型相關係數達顯著水準,顯示三者之間確有典型相關存在。The purpose of the study was to investigate the leisure participation of the surfing participants who surfed at these three spots in the north coast of Taiwan: Shajhu Bay in Jinshan Township、Honeymoon Bay in Dasi Town、and Wushih Harbor in Toucheng Township. Questionnaires were designed to understand the characteristics of the surfing participants and their leisure experience、satisfaction and participation intention when surfing. There were 478 effective questionnaires collected by adopting the purposes sampling. All the collected materials were analyzed by descriptive statistics analysis、t-test、one-way analysis of variance、Pearson product-moment correlation analysis、and canonical correlation analysis. The findings of the study were suggested as the followings: 1. The current conditions of the surfing participants were as followed: (1)Gender: the majority were 「male」.(2)Age: the range was between 21 and 30 years old.(3)Occupation: the majority were 「students」.(4)Education degree: the majority were 「college degree」.(5)Habitation: the majority were in Great Taipei Area (「Taipei County」 and 「Taipei City」 were reaching 40% respectively).(6)Frequency of surfing: the majority were 「have surfed over 7 times」.(7)Cost of surfing: the majority were 「below 500 dollars」 and 「501 ~ 1,000 dollars」.(8)About 95% surfing participants will keep surfing in the future. 2. Concerning leisure experience、there were significant differences between surfing participants of different 「Gender」、「Age」、「Occupation」、「Frequency of Surfing」、and 「Cost of Surfing」、which meant the varied leisure experience of the surfing participants who were in the north coast of Taiwan due to their own traits. 3. There were also significant differences in leisure satisfaction between surfing participants of different 「Habitation,」 which meant the varied leisure satisfaction of the surfing participants who were in the north coast of Taiwan due to the location they live. 4. In participation intention、the study also presented significant differences between surfing participants of different 「Education Degree」、「Frequency of Surfing」、and 「Cost of Surfing,」 which meant the varied participation intention of the surfing participants who were in the north coast of Taiwan due to their own traits. 5. There were two canonical correlation factors reaching significant level among leisure experience、leisure satisfaction and participation intention of surfing participants in the north coast、which revealed that canonical correlation did exist among these three of them.衝浪參與者休閒體驗休閒滿意度參與傾向surfing participantsleisure experienceleisure satisfactionparticipation intention臺灣北海岸衝浪參與者休閒體驗與滿意度之調查研究Leisure Experience and Satisfaction of Surfing Participants In the North Coast of Taiwan