信世昌Hsin, Shih-Chang蔡蓉芝Tsai, Jung-Chih2019-08-282015-05-252019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G080080002I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86255隨著高級華語學習人數有增長的趨勢,以及現階段文言文課程選修人數亦逐年上升,未來選修文言文課程的人數必然增加,因此,選擇合適的文言文教材成為重要的課題。目前對外文言文教材的研究相當缺乏,文言文課程的選材也不容易,本論文著手研究對外華語文言文教材,欲建立一以詞彙傳承為基礎的選文原則,以及提供文言文教材編寫範例。 本論文共蒐集21套對外文言文教材,出版地包括臺灣、中國大陸、韓國、日本、美國、德國、法國。文獻探討後,本研究進行以下之步驟: 首先,進行21套教材之選文分析,並參考對內文言文教材選文,提出九種質性選文原則及39篇選錄次數高的文章作為選文參考。其次,進行學習者與教師對文言文教材之需求調查。第三,建立以詞彙傳承為依據的量化選文原則,以每篇文章之古漢語詞彙沿用至現代漢語的比例來判斷該文章之難易度,並以詞頻作為排序之輔助標準。本文依使用者需求選出14篇選文作為文言文課程第一學期的入門教材,並依詞彙沿用之量化選文原則,進行14篇文章難易度之排序。最後,本文從教材體例、詞彙、語法結構、課後練習等方面進行教材內容編寫分析。 經過上述步驟,本研究獲致成果如下: 建立以詞彙傳承為依據的量化選文原則;歸納提出現有教材編寫之兩類理論依據:「課文為本位的閱讀教學法」與「功能導向教學法」;提出學習者覺得實用的練習題形式,作為教材編寫之參考;依據研究成果試編一課教材作為範例。As the population of advance level Chinese learners increases, the number of students taking Classical Chinese also increases. This growing trend puts the selection of appropriate Classical Chinese teaching materials in higher demands. However, the research of Classical Chinese teaching materials is rather limited. On top of that, selecting appropriate texts to include in these teaching materials are even more difficult. This research looks into the selection of available Classical Chinese teaching materials and derives a principle for selecting texts based on word heritage to use in composing Classical Chinese teaching materials. In this study, 21 sets of Classical Chinese teaching materials from Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan, the United States, and France were analyzed according to the following: First, texts in each textbook were analyzed and cross-reference with Classical Chinese texts for native learners for their basis of selection to derive at 9 principles for text selection. Thirty-nine highly selected texts were used as the basis for this study. Second, a survey on the needs for Classical Chinese teaching materials was conducted among teachers and learners. Third, established a qualitative text selection principle based on word heritage. For each text, the ratio of ancient Chinese words that are still in use today was used to determine the level of difficulty of the text. Words were then arranged by word frequency as supplement standards. Fourteen Classical Chinese texts were chosen based on the needs of the users as beginner Classical Chinese materials. These texts were arranged from easy to hard using the word heritage principle. Last, the lesson for each text composed of style of the text, words, syntax, and exercises. Conclusions for this study based on the above analytical steps are: Establishing a qualitative text selection principle based on word heritage; Proposing two hypotheses that existing teaching materials use in their textbook arrangement: Reading pedagogy using mainly the selected text and functional pedagogy; Differentiating regional differences in existing teaching materials: Teaching materials in the U.S. and Europe mainly focus on sentence structures, whereas teaching materials in China use descriptive approach to explain syntax, while teaching materials in Korea and Japan introduce the syntax at the beginning or at the end of the text; Composing a lesson based on the results found.文言文教材內容對外華語選文詞彙沿用古漢語Classical Chineseteaching materialChinese as a foreign languagetext selectionword heritageancient Chinese對外華語之文言文教材研究-以詞彙沿用為依據之選文分析Research of Classical Chinese Textbook for Non-native learners