張雨霖Chang, Yu-Lin林銘慧Lin, Ming-Huei2019-08-282019-06-262019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060401011E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90597本研究目的在於發展「科技想像傾向量表」,並探討科技想像傾向、恆毅力與網路成癮之間的關係。研究工具為研究者自編之「科技想像傾向量表」、「恆毅力量表」(Duckworth& Quinn, 2009),以及「網路成癮量表」(陳淑惠、翁儷禎、蘇逸人、吳和懋、楊品鳳,2003)。科技想像傾向量表之預試以301名大專院校學生為研究參與者,正式研究則以326位大專院校學生為參與者。本研究以描述統計、相關係數分析、信度分析、t檢定等進行預試項目分析;正式研究以驗證性因素分析瞭解科技想像傾向量表之信效度;以Pearson相關分析、階層迴歸分析、拔靴法來考驗研究假設。研究結果如下:一、研究者以「科技想像傾向」之構念自編量表,六個測量面向包含「超越現實」、「創新改造」、「感質表徵」、「驗證評估」、「正向喜好」和「功能價值」。信度與因素分析結果顯示,本量表有良好的內部一致性信度、建構效度與效標關聯效度,可評量大學生的科技想像傾向。二、科技想像傾向與恆毅力、網路成癮呈顯著正相關;恆毅力與網路成癮呈顯著負相關。恆毅力對科技想像傾向與網路成癮之關係有調節效果,當恆毅力高時,科技想像傾向與網路成癮程度的相關較低;恆毅力低時,科技想像傾向與網路成癮程度的正相關較高。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出建議,以提供後續研究參考。This study aims to develop a Scale of Technology Imagination Disposition, and investigate its correlation with grit and with internet addiction. In this study, the pretest participants were 301 graduate and undergraduate students. The item analysis was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, hierarchical regression, reliability analysis, and t-test. After analyzing and editing the pretest, the formal scale was confirmed. The formal scale, Grit Scale (Duckworth& Quinn, 2009) and Internet Addiction Scale (Chen, Weng, Su, Wu, & Yang, 2003) were the questionnaires of the present study, which participants of were 326 graduate and undergraduate students. The reliability and validity were analyzed by EFA; research hypothesis, Correlation and Bootstrap. The major findings were as follow: 1. The six factors of technology imagination disposition are: beyond reality, creativity, qualia representation, evaluation, positive emotion, and function value. The reliability and EFA results show that the scale of technology imagination disposition is good in internal consistency reliabilitys, construct validity and criterion-related validity. Hence, it can evaluate the technology imagination of collage students. 2. Technology imagination disposition is significantly positive correlated with grit and internet addiction; while grit is significantly negative correlated with internet addiction. Moreover, grit as a moderator of technology imagination disposition and internet addiction. That is, the higher the grit score is, the lower the internet addiction score is. However, if the grit score is low, the higher the technology imagination disposition score is, the higher the internet addiction score is. Finally, the researcher provided some suggestions according to the results.恆毅力科技想像網路成癮GritImaginationInternet AddictionTechnology科技想像傾向量表之發展及其與恆毅力、網路成癮之關聯研究Developing the Scale of Technology Imagination Disposition and Its Correlation with Grit and with Internet Addiction