陳子鴻Chen, Tzu-Hung姜任鴻Jiang, Ren-Hong2022-06-089999-12-312022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/730ea528995ce81411c3615be2d5c457/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117846本篇詮釋報告將以筆者自身所製作之流行音樂專輯為例,並於文獻探討中討論音樂工程之重要,如錄音、混音、母帶製作所扮演的地位,以及分析專輯混音及母帶之概念,由實務面的角度來探討音樂工程流程之細節,如各樂器的調節、各種軟體的使用等, 並試圖寫出可參考依據的混音流程,進而快速建立混音工程, 於最後結論流行音樂工程之重要性 ,以及搭建一個 基礎 混音模板的內容,並撰寫模板內各樂器的效果器使用流程 ,以供學習混音之初學者參考 。This interpretation report takes the Pop music album mixing by the author as an example, discussing the importance of music engineering like recording, mixing and mastering, and analyzing the concept of album mixing and mastering. And discuss the detail of music engineering from a practical perspective, such as the parameter adjustment and method of plug-in. Finally, conclude the importance of music engineering, and try to build a basic template for beginner with plugin detail of every instrument.音樂工程錄音混音母帶製作Music EngineeringRecordingMixingMastering流行音樂專輯後製理論與實務-以「 綠蕨 」專輯為例Theory and Practice of Pop Music Engineering :A Case Study of Music Album"Green Fern"作品連同書面報告(藝術類)