張俊彥Chang, Chun-Yen楊子誼Yang, Tzu-I2020-12-142019-08-262020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060245011S%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111556本次研究主題為探究光電效應動畫教學對於高二學生教學成效。本研究將利用光電效應動畫教學進行光電效應的教學並觀察其成效,在研究方法中,首先會對施測學生進行近代物理背景知識的測驗,確認學生對於近代物理光電效應內容並沒有此先備知識,並提供學生近代物理光電效應動畫,讓學生自我探索學習,此階段為以學生為中心,探索式教學,接著進行前測,再讓學生進行以教師為中心引導式教學,接著進行後測,後續分析前測和後測之幅度,比較不同知識背景以及不同學習成就的學生,在結合STEM課程框架以及雲端教學平台CloudClassRoom(IRS即時反饋系統)光電效應的光電效應動畫教學模組教學後,對於學習光電效應概念有無顯著幫助。This study will use the STEM curriculum framework and the cloud teaching platform CloudClassRoom (IRS instant feedback system) to teach the photoelectric effect. For the students to conduct the pre-test of the modern physics background knowledge, it is confirmed that the students have no such content for the modern physical photoelectric effect. Knowledge, first provide students with modern physical photoelectric effect animation, let students explore and learn by themselves, this stage is student-centered, exploratory teaching, and then conduct a test, then let the students conduct teacher-centered instructional teaching, and then conduct a test II The follow-up analysis test 1 and the progress of the test 2, comparing students with different knowledge backgrounds and different learning achievements, after combining the STEM curriculum framework and the cloud teaching platform CloudClassRoom (IRS instant feedback system) photoelectric effect two different types of teaching, Whether there is any significant help in learning the concept of photoelectric effect.光電效應近代物理雲端教學平台及時反饋系統the photoelectric effectthe modern physicalCloudClass RoomIRS instant feedback system探究光電效應動畫教學對於高二學生教學成效Explore Photoelectric Effect Animation Teaching for Sophomore in High School