徐國能Hsu, Kuo-Neng徐婕XU, JIE2022-06-072022-01-102022-06-072022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/50c4da10b2e0550a66fc33036a99e6eb/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116491摘 要 明代中葉以降遊風日熾,明清易代之際,「遊」並未因朝代的沿革驟然終止不行,余懷便是繼續遊觀旅程的文人範例。 本論文聚焦余懷庚寅年(1650)所作之日記體遊記《三吳遊覽志》,探討層次分為兩部分:首先,將余懷之遊歷活動置於「易代之際」的背景下,捋清其人遊歷範圍——三吳,即明清時由太湖水系緊密聯繫在一起的八府一州(蘇州、松江、常州、鎮江、江寧、杭州、嘉興、湖州八府及太倉州);再來掘發余懷對「遊」一主題的自我心態剖析和遊歷意義之思考,呈現出山水寄情的好尚和人情偕好的志願;最後聯結到遊覽志之書寫,明瞭書寫載負的心史留存之重要價值。 依遊處之對象的不同按山水、人情兩部分進行具體論述。第一部分山水之遊覽觀看,因三吳的歷史背景,使詩人自然地思接吳越、六朝,詩文撰寫援引諸多吳越、六朝典故,以此鏡鑒古今興亂之由和鏡照個人道德操守之得失。此外,三吳之草木、粉黛皆能觸動遊者愁腸,試圖藉由書寫銘刻故明記憶。第二部分以遊歷途中的人情交往為研究對象,探究身處新朝的余懷與舊識友朋寄寓酬酢詩文之內的隱微心跡:在狂歌痛飲的疏放之下,傳遞著憂切國事、矢志忠貞的湧動心曲。 關鍵字:余懷、遊、三吳、書寫、山水、人情Abstract In the middle of The Ming Dynasty, tourism flourished. When the Ming and Qing dynasties changed, "tourism" did not end abruptly due to the evolution of the dynasty. Yu Huai was an example of the literati who continued the journey of tourism. This paper focuses on the diary travel book Sanwu Tour Written by Yu Huai in the Year of Gengyin (1650). The discussion is divided into two parts: First of all, the author puts Yu Huaizhi's travels in the context of "the Transition period", and makes clear the scope of his travels -- three Wu, namely Suzhou, Songjiang, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Jiangning, Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Huzhou and Taicang, which were closely connected by the Taihu River system in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The next part is yu Huai's self-analysis of the theme of "travel" and his reflection on the meaning of travel, which shows the kindness of landscape and human kindness. Finally, it is linked to the writing of tour Chronicles, which shows the important value of the heart history. According to the different objects of the tour, according to the landscape and human feelings of the two parts of the specific discussion. The first part of the landscape tour, because of the historical background of the Sanwu dynasties, makesthe poet naturally think about the Wu Yue and the Six dynasties, and quotes many allusions of the Wu Yue and the six dynasties in his poems and articles, so as to mirror the cause of the ancient and modern chaos and the gain and loss of personal moral integrity. In addition, the grass and wood of Sanwu, fandai can touch the traveler's melancholy, trying to write by inscription old Ming memory. The second part takes the human contact during the travel as the research object to explore the hidden feelings of Yu Huai and her old friends in the new dynasty: under the relaxation of the wild song and drink, the heart of anxiety and loyalty. Key words: Yu Huai, Tourism, Sanwu , Writing, Landscape, Interpersonal relationship余懷三吳書寫山水人情Yu HuaiTourismSanwuWritingLandscapeInterpersonal relationship余懷《三吳遊覽志》研究The Study of Yuhuai's San Wu Travel Notes