周世玉Chou, Shih-Yu陳樹仁Chen, Shu-Jen2020-10-192022-06-302020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0107590169%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110689在資訊科技衝擊與數位經濟的發展驅動下,國內少有自主研發產品,導致資訊系統整合業的產業結構僵化、競爭激烈。資訊系統整合商如何在日趨激烈的環境中洞悉產業趨勢與企業本身的優勢,找到機會並提升競爭力,規劃未來公司策略與具體方案。 本研究目的以波特(Porter)產業環境作用力分析與SWOT分析為理論基礎,為資訊系統整合業之個案公司進行質性訪談作為初級資料搜集,與業界專業人士的建議歸納與分析,透過此三種資料來源搜集到的資料內容為研究架構基礎,進行探討個案公司的競爭優勢與策略規劃之分析研究。來探討產業外部環境與企業內部資源與優勢,來發展出企業有效的策略。 經由本研究分析,對於國內資訊系統整合產業其影響該因素存在相對關係,競爭情形以及網路所提供的內容也愈來愈多元化,必需找出市場空隙創造新價值取向的切入點,確切地掌握客戶需求、企業內部的策略彈性調整,以取得與調配最適合之資源。而中小型規模的公司在成長階段在企業體質的提升、組織文化,降低問題與風險都是在經營上需要持續不斷的執行策略,在提升企業形象,行銷策略、拓展商機、產品廣度與深度、服務效率、技術提升等議題都需要經營者的宏觀與領導力。靈活性地調整策略避免僵化,適切地掌握可承擔的風險,經營階層的果斷決策力。使策略可更精準並隨著步調執行策略議題與落實推動行動方案,提升獲利能力與拓展市場。 關鍵詞:資訊系統整合業、競爭策略、五力分析、SWOT。With the disruptive influence of information technology and the development of the digital economy, independent product research and development is rare in Taiwan, leading to rigidity in the industrial structure of system integration industry players and fierce competition. So how can system integration firms get an understanding of industry trends and their own firm's advantages in this ever more competitive environment, in order to raise their competitiveness and plan their corporate strategy with concrete proposals. This thesis will employ Porter's Five Force Framework and a SWOT analysis as a theoretical basis to undertake qualitative interviews with the case study company as an initial method of data collection, and then summarize the suggestions of industry experts, as well as engage in analysis. The data collected from these three sources will form the basis of the research framework, which will then be used in analysis of the case study company's competitiveness and strategy planning. This thesis will then discuss the external environment and the internal resources and advantages of the industry and develop from this an effective corporate strategy. In the course of this analysis, the domestic system integration industry has an oppositional relation to the factors that influence its existence. Along with increased competition and the content provided by the internet becoming more and more diverse, a gap in the market must be found, to create new value and to get to grips with customer demand whilst being flexible in adjusting the company's internal policy, in order to deploy resources in the most appropriate way. For small and medium-sized businesses in their growth stage, when they are streamlining their corporate teams and organizational culture, reducing problems and risks are all strategies that need to be continually carried out. When it comes to raising the company's profile, marketing strategy, seeking out new business opportunities and product breadth and depth, as well as boosting service efficiency and technology upgrades, a macro-view from management and good leadership are required. Being flexible when it comes to making adjustments to corporate strategy can help avoid rigidity and can give a clearer idea of what risks are acceptable, allowing for decisive strategy determinations at the management level. This allows strategy to be implemented in a more targeted and well-paced fashion and for the implementation of action plans to raiseprofitability and expand market share. Keywords: System Integration Industry, Competition Strategy, Five Force Framework, SWOT資訊系統整合業競爭策略五力分析SWOTSystem Integration IndustryCompetition StrategyFive Force FrameworkSWOT資訊系統整合業之競爭策略分析:以Y公司為例Competition Strategy in IT System Integration Industry:A Case Study of Company Y