呂錘寬Lu, Chui- Kuan馬上雲Ma, Shang-Yun2019-09-062009-08-012019-09-062009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0893610018%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108822本論文研究澎湖法教普唵派儀式音樂,並以慶賀聚落宮廟神誕之各儀式為研究重點,章節安排如下:緒論說明本論文之研究計畫,概述法教定義,探查歷史及現階段流傳於中國南方的巫文化,並簡述法教在臺灣的派別分布與概況。正文部分第一章概述澎湖傳統祭儀與音樂,彙整研究主題之背景資料;第二章介紹儀式之宣行,就實地調查所得陳述儀式內容;第三章記錄儀式音樂,描述其歌樂與器樂內容;第四章著手音樂分析,探討儀式音樂的形態結構及特徵;第五章討論音樂與儀式的關係。結論則統整各章節內容,提出本論文研究成果。 根據本論文研究,在慶賀聚落宮廟神誕的場合,法教普唵派法師乃集結了眾多不同功能與目的之儀式,而從音樂角度來看,此等為慶賀神誕而舉行之系列儀式,匯集並展現豐富的音樂內容。 法教普唵派儀式音樂包含歌樂與器樂,歌樂出現於各儀式並居儀式音樂之大宗,且是最能表現普唵派儀式音樂特色之核心;器樂主要出現在科介性儀式。在曲調來源方面,可以分成來自法師固有曲調以及其他傳統音樂。不同形態與不同來源的音樂,與各項儀式要素配合運用後,使儀式呈現複雜多重的意義,也使音樂成為法教普唵派儀式不可或缺的部分,並構成其儀式之重要特色。 澎湖先民流傳下來的傳統信仰,迄今存留於興盛的聚落宮廟活動,而聚落宮廟儀式之核心人物即在於法師,歷代法師不只傳承儀式之專業知識,並使儀式成為匯集各種傳統音樂的載體。傳統信仰支持著儀式的定期舉行,而代代相傳的儀式,則展現並傳遞信仰與音樂予代代子孫。This study is the ritual music of Pu-An sect in Fa-Jiao at the Pescadores. Especially, it is focused on the rituals held in the situation of celebrating the birthday of village temple god. Besides the introduction and the conclusion, the thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is about the traditional rituals and music at the Pescadores. It is concerned the background of the topic. The second chapter describes the performance and constitution of rituals. The information comes mainly from the fieldwork. The third chapter is the record of ritual music, including the vocal and instrumental music. The forth chapter is the analysis of music, discussing the structure and traits of ritual music. The last chapter discusses the inter-relationship of music and ritual. Then, the accomplishment of the research will be presented in the conclusion. According to the study, in the rituals of celebrating the birthday of temple god, the specialists collect several kinds of rituals with different abilities and intentions. From the point of music, we can find the music is abundance in ritual. The vocal music is the main part of the ritual music; besides, it is the core of the ritual music. The instrumental music is played in the rituals with the actions. The originals of music compass the traditional tunes and the tunes absorbed from the other music category. That the different kinds of tunes combine with the varied ritual progress completes the complicated meanings of ritual. The music is a necessary component of rituals; meanwhile, it develops the significance of the Pu-An sect ritual music at the Pescadores.儀式音樂傳統音樂民族音樂學法教普唵派澎湖ritual musictraditional musicethnomusicologyFa-JiaoPu-An sectPescadores澎湖法教普唵派儀式音樂之研究A Study on Ritual Music of Pu-An Sect in Fa-Jiao at the Pescadores