張家豪Chang, Jia-Hao王又德Wang, Yu-Te2019-09-052019-02-012019-09-052019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060430026A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105033目的:探討高爾夫球員手指壓力是否影響推桿動作,並且找出不同距離推桿手部施力方式與力量分布特徵。方法:招募優秀高爾夫球員11名,新手球員10名,共21名受試者,1、2、3公尺距離進行各5次推桿。使用JVC攝影機、LED燈與手指壓力感應器,擷取頻率150Hz,將儀器同步擷取手指壓力與運動學參數,並且使用Kwon3D 動作分析軟體,分析影片將推桿過程分為上桿期、下桿期、跟隨期。統計使用描述統計呈現受試者基本資料、推桿入洞成功率、手部總力量曲線趨勢以及變異係數(coefficient of variation, CV)。以混和設計二因子變異數分析 (Two-way ANOVA, mixed design) 考驗優秀與新手球員與不同推桿距離的影響,依變項為手部力量,顯著水準為α=.05,若達顯著使用Tukey事後比較檢定。信度分析以內部一致性分析,計算內部相關係數(Internal Consistency Coefficient, ICC) Crobach’s α,考驗各兩組分別在1、2、3公尺下桿期的手部力量一致性。結果:優秀球員1-3公尺推桿手部平均力量、力量峰值、3個分期力量皆顯著低於初學者。兩組雙手平均力量3公尺大於1、2公尺;雙手峰值與3個分期力量3公尺最大、2公尺次之、1公尺最小。兩組別1-3公尺推桿距離之雙手力量平均變異係數皆不超過0.20,特別是兩組球員雙手力量平均變異係數在下桿時期約為0.07。另外除了優秀球員3公尺下桿期時間,兩組在下桿期時間Crobach’s α 係數大約為0.9。結論:初學與優秀球員會使用不同的施力方式,初學者3公尺距離會增加右手力量進行推桿,優秀者則在不同距離推桿手部力量皆穩定。兩組皆使用左手主導推桿,並在接近擊球瞬間產生力量峰值。The purpose of this study was to explore the grip force performance at different distances during putting stroke. Method: Twenty-one golfers (11 professionals and 10 novices) were recruited and asked for executing each five putting to reach 1, 2 and 3 m target distance as accurately as possible. Putting motions were recorded by JVC video with a LED light and grip pressure measurement sensor (150 Hz) placed on two hands, allowing the force output of all regions of the hands to be measured. Back swing, forward swing, and following period were determined by Kown3D analysis software. The success rate (%), the grips force trace and the coefficient of variation during the putting tasks were measured and showed by table or chart. Two-way Mixed Design ANOVA was performed to identify significant effects of the grip force among 1, 2 and 3 meters target distances and between elite golfers group and beginners group. The statistical significance was set at α = .05. Internal Consistency Coefficient (ICC) represented the reliability of measured variables. Results: Lower average grips forces, peak forces, and grips forces in all swing and following periods were found in elite golfers during putting tasks. Both elite golfers and beginners group had a greater grips pressure at 3m target distance than 2m and 1m (3m>2m>1m). The average coefficient of variation of hands grip forces in both groups were lower than 0.20, especially during forward swing period around 0.07. In addition, all parameters during forward swing period were highly correlated (Crobach’s α=0.84-0.99), expect the elite golfers putting at 3m (Crobach’s α=0.61). Conclusion: The grip force trace among 1 to 3 m distance was repeatable across putting strokes for each golfer but between golfers was inconsistent. Dominant forces appeared to arise primarily from the left hand, and the peak grips force was generated at ball impact in the putting tasks.壓力分佈握力力量峰值壓力感測pressure distributionhand grippeak forcepressure mapping sensor不同推桿距離之高爾夫推桿手指壓力與力量表現Grips pressure and force during golf putting at different distances