楊美雪Yang, Mei-Hsueh鄭又禎Cheng, Yu-Chen2019-09-042020-08-172019-09-042018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0001723103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99452本研究旨在探討使用者對台灣報紙新聞APP資訊功能與內容之需求,根據研究目的將研究對象分為2類。首先,內容分析所要觀察的對象,為台灣報紙業者所提供的7個新聞APP;其次,以網路問卷調查使用者對於報紙新聞APP的資訊功能與內容之需求,研究對象設定為有上網經驗的台灣民眾。 本研究依據文獻探討與研究者實際觀察所得資訊,將內容分析類目製成過錄表,並於2018年3月27日至3月30日期間進行編碼、登錄,將所得的資料進行統計分析,並歸納以撰寫結論。隨後問卷放置於「DoSurvey」網路問卷平台,發布問卷期間為2018年4月2日至6月3日,並針對有效問卷匯入Excel進行處理與編碼,最後再將問卷資訊輸入SPSS 23版軟體進行統計分析。 本研究結果發現,目前台灣報紙新聞APP的提供現況以新聞資訊內容為主,對於資訊功能各項目的提供比例仍偏低,而使用者對於資訊功能與資訊內容各類別皆有中等、中上程度不等的需求,顯示出台灣報紙新聞APP的資訊功能與內容提供現況與使用者需求之間,仍有部分差異值得加強。因此,本研究建議,台灣報紙新聞APP應提升資訊功能各項目的提供,並充實新聞資訊內容之獨特性。The purpose of this study was to investigate users’ information needs of news APP provided by Taiwanese newspapers. According to the research purpose of this study, the participants in this study were divided into two categories:7 news APPs provided by Taiwanese newspapers is analyzed by Content Analysis , and the online questionnaires of this study aimed at understanding the information’s functions and contents those Taiwanese citizens needs in the news APP provided by Taiwanese newspapers. The participants in this study setting as Taiwanese citizens who had ex-perience of surfing the Internet. The study based on literature review and researcher’s practice observation. Re-searcher separates content analysis category into list and code from March 27 to March 30, 2018. Researcher conducted a statistical analysis of data, and summarize into conclusions. The online questionnaires issued between April 2 to June 3, 2018. Researcher used SPSS 23 to analyze. The study found that the contents which news APP provided by Taiwanese newspapers are still mainly based on “news information”, while the the provisions of the dimension of "information functions" are still inadequate. Besides, users are at medium and high levels of requirements for information functions and contents. Ap-parently, there’s still a gap between users' needs and the information provision of news APP provided by Taiwanese newspapers. Part of the gap is worth strengthening. In order to narrow the gap, the study suggests that news APP provided by Taiwanese newspapers to enhance the provision of information functions and distinction of news content.新聞APP資訊功能資訊內容使用者需求news applicationfunctioncontentuser’s needs使用者對台灣報紙新聞APP資訊功能與內容之需求研究A Study of User’s Needs on Taiwan Newspaper APP’s Information Functions and Contents