林伯修Lin Po-Hsiu楊宜靜Yang Yi-Jing2019-09-052011-7-252019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698310237%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107824本研究旨在從旅行體驗和認同的角度,探討高中地理教師到國外旅行時,在休閒認同以及教師專業發展上的影響。在資料蒐集上,採深度訪談法進行資料的蒐集,在資料分析上,以主題分析法詮釋所蒐集來的資料,研究對象為擁有豐富旅行體驗的高中地理教師,共八人。研究結果如下:旅行中的心理體驗讓個案有放鬆心情和愉悅、自在的感覺產生;旅行中的人際關係體驗主要表現在和他人的互動上,從中可以促進和旅伴間的情感交流,和當地人的溝通則可更認識當地文化;旅行中的地理專業體驗,使教師在教學方法上更多元,並提升教學成效;在個人認同方面,從旅行中個案更了解自己,展現出屬於自己的休閒風格;在社會認同方面,課堂中分享旅行經驗使個案強化教師的形象;在角色認同方面,旅行中教師角色的展現,以及旅行後表現出的教師專業,皆有助於教師專業角色的成長。The purpose of this study was to discuss senior high school geography teachers’ oversea travel experience, and the impact on leisure identity and teacher professional development in terms of travel experience and identity. In-depth interviewed eight travelers who teach geography in senior high school to collect data. Used thematic analysis method to interpret the data. In the results were: the geography teachers felt relaxed and delightful from their travels. The teachers could improve interpersonal relationships when traveling with companions. When interacting with locals, the geography teachers can touch local culture, raises one’s cultural awareness. Diverse teaching and effectiveness pedagogy were prompted during travel. In personal identity, case more understood and they showed their unique leisure style. In social identity, the teachers’ image could be intensified established when they shared of travel experience with students. In role identity, they could demonstration their own role during travels. Teaching profession could be manifested after traveling.旅行動機旅行體驗休閒認同教師專業成長travel motivationtravel experienceleisure identityteacher professional development高中地理教師國外旅行體驗與休閒認同之研究Oversea Travel Experience And Leisure Identity : Study of Senior High School Geography Teachers