李宜倩Lee, Yi-Chien索家吉So, Chia-Chi2020-12-142019-08-312020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0501211109%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110931本研究旨在探討英語繪本課程對於臺灣國中學生閱讀能力發展之成效。學生對於此閱讀課程的看法也是本研究關注的重點。參與本研究對象為臺北市國中19位八年級學生,於每週選修課程時進行為期四週、每週兩堂共90分鐘的英語繪本課程。課程中使用四本學生較有興趣或與其生活經驗相關的主題繪本為教材,並於課堂上共讀完畢後完成學習單。此研究採單組前後測實驗並輔以課程中與課程後之質性資料,研究工具包含英語閱讀理解試題、英語閱讀動機問卷之前後測;將此前後測量化資料與學生訪談、教學反思札記等之質性資料進行綜合分析、整理與歸納。 研究結果顯示,英語繪本課程未能顯著提升學生閱讀理解能力,然學生整體閱讀能力趨於集中,且學生肯定多項課程閱讀活動與學習單對英語閱讀能力提升的助益。此外,英語繪本課程能有效提高學生閱讀動機,使其延續課外閱讀的興趣。 從質與量的討論可推知,英語繪本課程整體而言對於臺灣國中學生的閱讀能力與閱讀動機發展有助益。據此結果,研究者建議將繪本閱讀課程融入英語教學中,並採取多樣化的教學活動以協助發展國中學生閱讀理解與持續的閱讀動機。This study aims to investigate the effect of a picture book program on Taiwanese junior high school students’ development of reading ability. The students’ perceptions of this reading program are also of interest to the present study. In the present study, 19 eighth-graders in Taipei participated in an elective course, including a four-week picture book program that provided the students with two 45-minute reading sessions each week. During the program, four picture books regarding topics more interesting to the students or closer to their life experiences were chosen as reading materials. After the shared reading in class, the students were asked to finish a worksheet based on the picture book of the week. The instruments adopted in the study are as follows: comprehension tests, motivation to read questionnaires, worksheets, semi-structured interviews, and reflexive teaching journals. Quantitative and qualitative data obtained from the above-mentioned were then carefully analyzed and discussed. The results reveal that, quantitatively, the picture book program failed to aid the EFL learners in developing their reading ability. However, the students’ reading abilities tend to be concentrated after completing the program. Qualitatively speaking, the students found many of the reading activities beneficial to the improvement of English reading ability. Moreover, the program enhanced the learners’ reading motivation effectively, thus continuing their interest in further reading. According to the present findings, it is suggested that the picture book reading program benefited Taiwanese junior high school students in reading ability as well as reading motivation. It is thus proposed that picture book programs be incorporated into the English curriculum in Taiwan, and various effective reading activities be included to increase junior high school students’ reading comprehension and reading motivation.英語繪本閱讀理解閱讀動機English picture booksreading comprehensionreading motivation英語繪本課程對於臺灣國中學生閱讀能力發展之影響The Effect of a Picture Book Program on Taiwanese Junior High School Students' Development of Reading Ability