劉一民Liu I-Min曾奕楷Tseng Yi-Kai2019-09-052003-7-102019-09-052003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069030069%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104802  民國五十年創立的嘉義和平館,曾經是一個優異選手源源不絕的柔道道場,也曾經是連續拿下七年省運會柔道冠軍的霸主。然而在館主陳戊寅先生三十年的經營之後,隨著他的過世,和平館也漸走入低潮。近幾年來,在許多學生的努力下,於嘉義地區另覓場地,成立道館,繼續和平館的柔道訓練、推廣工作,也因此,中斷多年的和平館也逐漸恢復過去鼎盛時的光景。   基層訓練工作本是一件吃力不討好的辛苦差事,而這批過去曾是和平館選手的成員,竟願意一肩扛起重擔,且在他們心中此訓練工作乃是以復興和平館過去的紀錄與榮耀為目的,可見訓練不再只是單純的訓練,而是彼此企圖再現過去美麗夢想的具體表現。   在和平館的空間中,充滿著各種故事,有屬於空間本身的,也有流傳在道場中的。這些口耳相傳的故事,都是這些成員們的共同記憶,也是因為這些記憶,成為他們彼此認同的平台,讓他們在館主過世與和平館不再使用的情形下,得以形成了一個想像的共同體。藉由這種因共同記憶而產生的內聚力,彼此進而背負起延續傳統的責任,並以再現過去的鼎盛光景為使命。   本文透過訪談,深入探究過去和平館的文化形成及文化運作,再透過觀察法,企圖解析在館主陳戊寅先生過世後,成員們如何對於過去進行揀擇,並透過不斷的傳頌共同的故事,以形成相同的記憶。而因為共同記憶而產生的認同,又如何巧妙地聚集這一群和平館的舊成員,並在新成立的道館中,創造與再現傳統。再加上儀式的舉行與故事的持續流傳,讓過去的記憶與新成員之間產生連結,使得這一想像的共同體得以往下延續且繼續存在。Established in 1961, He-Ping Judo Dojo in Chia-Yi has been a place where outstanding Judo players practice and stay. It has also consecutively achieved seven years championship of the Taiwan Provincial Athletic Games. However, following the death of Mr. Chen Wu-in, who has run He-Ping Judo Dojo for thirty years, the Dojo has stumbled into its low tide. In recent years, pupils of He-Ping have endeavored to search for another place in Chia-Yi to relocate the training hall and to continue its Judo training and popularizing works. As a result, He-Ping Judo Dojo has gradually retained its prosperity. Basic Judo trainings have always been difficult. However, keen in reviving the honor and achievements of He-Ping Judo Dojo, the pupils willingly undertook the mission of the trainings. This revealed that, in He-Ping Judo Dojo, ‘training’ is not merely a physical matter, but rather, it represents an embodiment of He-Ping’s past dreams and ideals. There were ‘stories’ filling the spaces of He-Ping Judo Dojo. Some stories belonged to the space itself, and the others were told and spread by people. Nowadays, these stories are also a collective memory of the pupils. The collective memory of the pupils became a platform for identifying themselves and each others. By this, an ‘imagined community’ was formed in spite of the death of Mr. Chen and the disuse of the previous training hall. Collective memories enhance cohesion within the members of He-Ping Judo Dojo. Therefore, members bear in mind the task of preserving He-Ping’s tradition, and the great mission of the revival of its highest peak. This essay adopted the method of interview to sort out the formation and operation of the culture of He-Ping Judo Dojo in its early days. It also applied the method of ethnography to examine how, after Mr. Chen has passed away, the members of He-Ping ‘recollect the past’ and form a shared memory by eulogizing the stories of the Dojo. Furthermore, the researcher scrutinizes how the ‘identity’, engendered by the collective memory, brings the members together and, at the same time, creates/represents the tradition of He-Ping Judo Dojo in the regenerated training hall. Rituals and ongoing storytelling in He-Ping Judo Dojo connect its new members with past memories. This allows the imagined community of He-Ping to last and exist as they wish. Keywords: judo, He-Ping Judo Dojo, memory, identity, cultural studies柔道和平館記憶認同文化研究judoHe-Ping Judo Dojomemoryidentitycultural studies故事、記憶與認同--嘉義和平館之文化研究Stories, Memories, and Identity--A Cultural Study of Chia-Yi He-Ping Judo Dojo