周學政羅引濂Yin-Lien Lo2019-08-292010-8-262019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696230079%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94327捷運路線圖是一種高度簡括化的主題地圖,將複雜路線資訊簡化並清晰的在圖上呈現。雖然捷運圖的繪製以有百年歷史,在學術上較少有系統性的研究。本研究根據地圖的認知傳播和設計等概念,認為路線圖的設計必須建立圖面空間架構、清晰呈現服務資訊兩大目的。並提出繪製路線圖的重要設計因子。在此架構下,分析世界181個都市的捷運路線圖,歸納出圖面設計的各種方式,及各設計因子的使用趨勢。 其次本研究選擇三個複雜的地鐵路線圖,由系統的歷史發展背景,及歷年路線圖的設計變化作深入探討:倫敦地鐵為世界最早的地鐵系統,因此最早面臨路線複雜化的問題,也最早發展出拓樸路線圖;紐約地鐵是世界最龐大的地鐵系 統,曾經採用拓樸路線圖,卻放棄改以真實的空間繪製,是相當特殊的案例;東京是世界人口最多的都會,且為漢字使用地區,多種軌道系統的跨公司聯營是其最大特色。透過這些實例的分析,可更深入瞭解捷運的圖的設計過程。 研究由理論探討及實例分析,提出一套捷運路線圖設計原則,以製出能讓使用者感到便捷的路線圖,並以台北捷運為例,示範這些原則的使用。Transit map is a highly generalized thematic map, which presents route information in a simple and clear way. Transit map had been produced for more than a century, few academic research were focused on the design in a scientific approach. Based on the theory of map cognitive, communication and design, this research propose two important aims for transit map design, and also its main design factors. The two important aims are to establish spatial structure, and provide clear service information. Under the framework, this research analyzed a total of 181 metropolises. This research also selects three complicated transit maps. Through discussion of their systems' development and the design changes over a long period of time, this research hopes to gain a deeper understanding on these maps. London Underground, the first subway system in the world, developed topological transit maps. New York City Subway, the world largest subway system, presents a special case that it abandon topological map and design the map on a real space basis. Tokyo, as the world most populated metropolis, has unique characteristics such as the use of Chinese character, and multi-track system with cross-company operation. With analysis of these examples, the research will gain a deeper understanding of the transit map design. Through theories study and case analysis, this research propose a set of rules for transit map design, which would provide its users with clear and convenience information. This research also look into how these rules implement on Taipei's MRT system.捷運路線圖地圖設計簡括化拓樸地圖台北捷運Transit MapMap DesignGeneralizationTopological MapTaipei MRT捷運路線圖設計之研究Research of Transit Map Design