鄧成連Teng, Cheng-Lein黃婉玲Huang, Wan-Ling2019-09-052018-02-262019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003682119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102886本研究旨在探討台灣軌道運輸系統逐漸擺脫單純運輸載具功能,走向品牌經營時,其各種品牌接觸點的設計,以國內具代表性的軌道運輸系統-臺北捷運、台灣高鐵、台鐵及桃園機場捷運為個案研究,分析其各自的品牌識別、歷年品牌發展演變與現況,以及所使用的品牌接觸點的類型。透過統整及延伸品牌接觸點之「單向的靜態接觸點」、「雙向的人類接觸點」、「多向的互動接觸點」,加上以顧客體驗旅程之實地觀察方式,檢視乘客實際搭乘所觸及上述四個軌道運輸系統之視覺品牌接觸點類型,進而分析各自品牌識別及品牌接觸點的異同。 本研究者提出以下幾點有關軌道運輸系統之品牌接觸點結論:(1)以使用者的需求及行為模式作為品牌接觸點設計之優先順序;(2)以品牌策略整合軌道運輸品牌接觸點設計;(3)以企業色形塑品牌識別的一致性與識別性。 本創作以2017年正式通車之桃園機場捷運為設計創作對象,依據旅客由進站到出站的各個行經過程首要重視的需求資訊,以軌道運輸品牌三種層次——品牌基本功能、品牌識別、品牌價值與形象,優化桃園機場捷運的現有品牌視覺接觸點,並發掘潛在接觸點及發想創見接觸點設計。設計原則以機場捷運企業色貫穿主視覺重點和品牌傳遞訴求,清楚傳遞民眾所需資訊,同時形塑品牌定位與識別形象,進而提升品牌附加價值,以達到符合民眾實際需要和創造民眾需要之品牌接觸點;最終導入品牌標語「直達美好」精神,使任何時間、任何人皆能感受一致的品牌識別及顧客體驗,避免無謂接觸點削弱捷運品牌識別與軌道營運公司首要提供交通服務目的。The study aims to explore the various designs of Brand Touchpoints for Taiwan's rail transit systems as it has gradually raised its level from transportation function to Brand Management. Taking four domestic representative rail transit systems - Taipei MRT, Taiwan High Speed Rail, Taiwan Railways and Taoyuan Airport MRT as research targets. Through literature review to explore individual brand identity, brand development strategy and types of Brand Touchpoints used over the years. Then via field observation, verifing the types of visual Brand Touchpoints which general passengers actually experiened from the above four rail transit systems, and finally analyzing the similarities and differences of each brand identity and Brand Touchpoints. In summary, the research proposes the following conclusions about the Brand Touchpoints of the rail transit system: (1) taking the passenger's demand and experience as the priority concern when planning Brand Touchpoints; (2) developing a brand strategy to integrate all the Brand Touchpoints designs; (3) maintaining the consistency of brand identity with brand colors. Moreover, this study focuses on redesigning the visual Brand Touchpoints of Taoyuan Airport MRT according to the priority demand for all the passengers travelinging from station to station. In addition to optimizing the current design of visual Brand Touchpoints, it further explores more potential, creative Brand Touchpoints. In the process of brand identity recreation for Taoyuan Airport MRT, I integrate all the visual Brand Touchpoints design with its brand color, purple, and brand slogan "The Way Forward" spirit altogether in order to clearly convey the transit information. In that case, any passenger in anytime would experient the same brand identity instead of letting unnecessary touch points weaken the primary purposes of transit services.品牌識別品牌接觸點軌道運輸系統桃園機場捷運Brand IdentityBrand Touchpoints of Rail Transit SystemTaoyuan Airport MRT軌道運輸系統之品牌視覺接觸點探討與創作—以桃園機場捷運為例Researching and Creating Visual Brand Touch Points of Rail Transit System: A case Study of Taoyuan Airport MRT