程紹同錢紀明Cheng, Shao-TungChien, Chi-Ming邱貽Yau, Yi2019-09-052018-06-182019-09-052016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060330001A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104999本研究旨在瞭解女性消費者在體驗行銷、品牌形象與忠誠度之差異情形,並以 NIKE+RUN CLUB WOMEN’S HALF MARATHON TAIPEI 2016 之女性消費者為研究對 象,採用問卷調查法蒐集相關資料,問卷內容包括體驗行銷量表、品牌形象量表、忠 誠度量表以及人口統計變項四個部分。研究者是以便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,並發 放 450 份問卷,剔除資料填答不全者,合計有效樣本為 419 份,實際有效問卷率為 93%。 回收資料以 SPSS22.0 進行資料處理,根據研究資料,以描述性統計、單因子變異數分 析、雪費事後比較、皮爾森積差相關及多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析,所得 結論如下: 一、參與 NIKE 女子路跑的女性消費者主要以 25-45 歲及大專學生居多,每月平均收入 為新臺幣 20,000 元以下,路跑年資達 1 年以下,參與 Nike 路跑活動次數為 1 次居 多,並以 10 公里為主要參與項目,且都曾購買過 Nike Women 系列商品。 二、體驗行銷與品牌形象皆達顯著相關,並存在中度正相關。 三、體驗行銷與品牌形象對於忠誠度具正向預測力。 四、「關聯體驗」、「思考體驗」、「情感體驗」以及「行動體驗」為有效預測女性消費 者活動忠誠度之預測變項。 五、「象徵性」、「行動體驗」、「經驗性」、「思考體驗」為有效預測女性消費者商品忠 誠度之預測變項。 根據上述研究結果,研究者建議經營者針對女性年輕學生族群,以建立長遠經營 之路的忠誠度,並舉辦運動商品免費體驗,讓女性消費者實際感受到商品的優越功能, 對其象徵性的感受更深,達到購買行為。而針對未來研究,建議可針對體驗價值來瞭 解女性運動消費者特性;或是以其他運動品牌的行銷活動為研究標的,增加相關研究。This research aimed to investigate the differences of the female consumers in experiential marketing and brand image, and the female consumers’ loyalty of 2016 NIKE+ RUN CLUB WOMEN’S HALF MARATHON TAIPEI as its research objects. Related data by questionnaire method was collected. Then, a total of 450 questionnaires were given out, and all of which were returned. After excluding the incomplete questionnaires, there were 419 valid ones, with a valid return rate of 93%. According to the data collected from the descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results were derived as the follows: 1. Most of female consumers were young and university students, average monthly income of less than $20,000NTD, they bought Nike Women’s merchandise. 2. For those female consumers, the experiential marketing and brand image were significantly. There is moderately positive correlation. 3. Experiential marketing and brand image indicate the positive prediction power on female consumers’ Loyalty. 4. Social identity experiences, innovative cognitive experiences, affective experiences, physical experiences and entire lifestyle are served as a strong predictor of female consumers’ activity loyalty. 5. Symbolic, creative cognitive experiences, experience, physical experiences and entire lifestyles are served as a strong predictor of female consumers’ merchandise loyalty.體驗行銷品牌形象忠誠度女性消費者路跑馬拉松experiential marketingbrand Imageloyaltyfemale customerrunningmarathon體驗行銷與品牌形象對女性消費者忠誠度之研究 -以 NIKE+RUN CLUB WOMEN’S HALF MARATHON TAIPEI2016 為例A Research of Experiential Marketing and Brand Image on Female Consumers’ Loyalty —A Case Study of NIKE+ RUN CLUB WOMEN’S HALF MARATHON TAIPEI 2016