趙惠玲Chao, Huei-Ling蘇雍慈Su, Yung-Tzu2020-12-102018-07-022020-12-102018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060460006T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114677 本研究以修習過非正規教育的兒童美術教學課程之美術教學工作者為對象,依據教學年資選在具五年以下教學經驗者,以及在近三年內修習完畢非正規教育所有課程者,本研究主要探討三個研究問題:美術教學工作者於非正規教育的學習動機與歷程、美術教學工作者的教師信念、美術教學工作者的學科教學知識。 本研究採用質性研究法,透過文獻分析法、深度訪談法、觀察法來蒐集美術教學工作者於教學中的觀點及作法,進而利用開放式編碼的方式將三項研究目的,分析出各項結論,如下述內容: 一、美術教學工作者於非正規教育的學習動機和歷程 學習動機之起因為三:自身教學經驗的不足、受多元課程的吸引及他人學習後的推薦。而學習歷程可分四面向討論:大家庭環境的學習氛圍、學員間的共同學習、師資特質與經驗傳承、作業報告的製作。 二、美術教學工作者的教師信念之內涵 教師信念依國內外理論,可從四面向來談討:教師角色、兒童本位、師生關係、學生個別差異、教師特質。 三、美術教學工作者的學科教學知識之內涵 學科教學知識選自於Shulman(1986)的理論,為六項知識所總和:教育脈絡的知識、教育目標、學科內容知識、課程知識、教學法知識、學習者知識。 This study is targeting on the art educators who have learned children’s art pedagogical courses through non-formal education.The study participants are art educators who have taught art within five years and who have taking all the courses of non-formal education within last the three years. And this research is mainly studying three issue (1) The art educators’ learning motivation and learning process of non-formal education; (2) The educators’ teacher belief; (3) The pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the art educators. The research is based on qualitative research method, Through citation analysis, documentary analysis, in-depth interviews, observation, we perceive gathing art educators’ teaching point of view and how they teach. By doing so, we aim to reach the conclusions of those three issues by the methods of open coding , as shown below: 1. The art educators’ learning motivation and learning process of non-formal education. There are three factors of learning motivation: (1) Insufficient teaching experience; (2) Attraction to a variety of teaching art courses; (3) Recommendation from those who have learned the non-formal art teaching method.The learning process could be discussed through four aspects: (1) Enviromental learning atmosphere; (2) Mutual learning experiences among learners; (3) Instructors’characteristics and experiences to the learners; (4) Makes of works and reports. 2. Teacher beliefs of the art educators. Teacher belief, in view of the theories from domestic and abroad, could be discussed from four aspects: (1) Teachers’ role; (2) Children’s orientation; (3) Teachers’ and learners’ inter-action; (4) Students’ individuals’ needs; (5) teachers’ unique temperaments. 3. The pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the art educators. Pedagogical content knowledge is based on Shulman’s theory in 1986, which includes six kinds of knowledge: (1) Knowledge of educational context; (2) Knowledge of educational ends, purposes and values; (3) Curriculum knowledge; (4) General pedagogical knowledge; (5) knowledge of learners and their characteristics.美術教學工作者非正規教育教師信念學科教學知識Art educatorsNon-formal educationTeacher beliefPedagogical content knowledge(PCK)非正規教育對美術教學工作者教師信念及學科教學知識之影響The Influences of Non-formal Education on Art Educators’ Teacher Beliefs and Pedagogical Content Knowledge