朱友意黃怡瑾Huang I Chin2020-12-102011-5-162020-12-102011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097603105%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115004本研究在探討台灣跨國婚姻中,越南新娘在文化差異與認同的多方面貌。在差異與認同的部分,將採權力/意識形態 /圖像以及觀看者與圖像的交互關係為文本分析,並關注藝術脈絡中影像與繪畫的交鋒、自我與他者的注視、沉默與喧囂的控訴這三方面來釐清自我的創作方向,最終朝越南新娘之個體圖像、家庭關係、族群關係這三個面向來創作實踐。 而在研究結果呈現,台灣民眾對於跨國婚姻中越南新娘所產生的意識形態與回應較為複雜,這當中涉入了國家為鞏固權力分配與展現控制意圖所施展的政策,以及媒體對事件的形像建構,再加入後期所發展的外籍女性配偶「為自己發聲」的自省思潮,以及「為他者說話」的反身性關注論調,而將台灣民眾帶入更為多元與開放的思考空間中。 最終,藉由創作作品的發表來呈現台灣在此現象的多樣性面貌,希望讓擁有不同立場的觀者能夠透過作品,引發不同的互動經驗與詮釋。In the study, I try to explore the multi-dimension of identification and difference of the culture on Vietnamese brides. In the part of difference and identification, I will analyze with relationship among power, ideology and image and the communication between viewer and image. Meanwhile, I also focus on the context of the image and painting, eyes from others and self and the power of silence and noise to direct my creation. By them, I practice with the Vietnamese brides’ individual picture, family relationship and ethnic relations. In the work, I find the response and ideology from Taiwanese are complicated about the Vietnamese brides in the cross-border marriages. In that they involve the national polices tries to secure the rights and consolidate the distribution of power and the media constructs the images of the incidents, and then foreign female spouses voice for themselves in the latter age and people speak out from introspective thoughts. These all impact Taiwanese living experience and then bring them into a whole new world. Finally, I would like to present the variety of the phenomenon in Taiwan through the work to help the viewers with different opinions hold a positive mind and experience.越南新娘文化差異與認同意識形態Vietnamese bridesidentification and difference of the cultureideology1379哩的紅毯-越南新娘在台灣1379 mails of red carpet-Vietnamese brides in Taiwan