謝智謀Hsieh, Chih-Mou謝佳純Hsieh, Jia-Chun2022-06-082021-08-312022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5f79601ce771743ea3a507e304ff8816/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118533本研究的目的為探討戶外冒險教育課程會產生哪些效益,以及產生這些效益的效益機轉為何。本研究採質性研究方法,以國立臺灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系大學部「戶外領導」選修課程之學生,作為研究參與者,共計六位。透過訪談,進行詮釋學分析後,得出以下結果:一、 戶外冒險教育課程的效益為在「戶外知能」、「學習遷移」、「人際領導」、「心理內在」、「生涯發展」五項效益,其中以「心理內在」、「人際領導」、「戶外知能」為最被提出的效益。而「生涯發展」為本研究在效益上的新發現,此外本研究也在「人際領導」的效益向度裡,發現「增進親密關係」的間接效益。二、 戶外冒險教育課程的效益機轉分有「自然環境」、「指導員的教學」、「課程內容」、「團隊」四項效益機轉,其中以「團隊」、「自然環境」為最被提及的效益機轉。The purpose of this study was to explore benefits and mechanisms for the outdoor adventure education (OAE)course. This study adopted qualitative research method and selected six participants from"Outdoor Leadership" elective course at Department of Civic Education and Leadership, National Taiwan Normal University . After interviews and hermeneutic analysis, the results were as follows: 1. The five main benefits topic of the OAE course included: "outdoor knowledge and skills", "transfer of learning", "interpersonal relationship and leadership", "psychological inner" and "career development". Among them, "psychological inner", "interpersonal leadership", "Outdoor knowledge" were the mostproposed benefit."Career development" was a new finding benefit of this study. In addition, this study also found an indirect benefit of "enhancing intimacy" in the benefit dimension of "interpersonal relationship and leadership". 2. The four main mechanisms for benefits of the OAE course included: "natural environment", "instructor's teaching", "course content", and "team". Among them, "team" and "natural environment" were the most proposed mechanisms.戶外冒險教育課程登山效益效益機轉詮釋學outdoor adventure educationmountaineering coursebenefitsmechanisms for benefitshermeneutics戶外冒險教育課程效益與機轉之研究─以國立臺灣師範大學戶外領導課程為例A Study of Benefits and Mechanisms for Outdoor Adventure Education Courses: A Case of Outdoor Leadership Course at National Taiwan Normal University學術論文