國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所邱貴發吳正己2014-10-302014-10-302002-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34275本整合計畫分別針對國中的國文、英語、社會、及美術四科教師,透過電腦整合學科教學的方式,了解促進教師資訊知能成長的問題與策略。國文教師的研究部分,規劃出 67個訓練單元,並從中選出八個單元進行教材實作。在教材架構設計與單元內容製作上,以「教學工作導向」、「組裝式設計」、「多元化應用軟體」、和「兼及硬體工具訓練」等理念做為設計原則。所完成之訓練單元隨後在台北縣立海山國中進行試用。英語教師部分,提出一套以「學科教學工具」為主的電腦知能訓練模式,並進行實驗研究。「學科教學工具」是針對學科的教學特性而開發設計的,教師可藉此工具的特性如多媒體特性、可重覆播放的特性等,來設計與製作教材。「生字卡系統」即是針對國中英語教學所開發的學科教學工具。社會科教師部分,以兩位國中地理教師為個案,瞭解教師教學信念對資訊科技融入教學活動實施之影響。研究發現參與計畫的社會科教師,經由資訊科技融入教材的製作與教學實踐後,獲得了經驗的累積、學生正面的回應、以及同儕教師的支援和鼓勵,其運用資訊科技的自我效能信念得以大幅增進。美術教師部分,則與一位美術教師合作,以教師的教學理念為基礎,合作設計了一個教師用的教學輔助系統及一個美術教師專用的美術教學網站。研究結果顯示以教師的教學理念為基礎,配合教師的教學需求,進行教材及系統的發展是可行的方向。The purpose of this three-year project was to enhance junior high hers' computer proficiency via IT-incorporated approach. For the Chinese teachers' ICT competency, 67 training units for Chinese teachers were developed, from which we selected eight units for training material development. Field test of these units revealed that most participating teachers considered our training material well designed and useful. For the English teachers' ICT competency, we proposed a subject-specific authoring tool based ICT training model and two case studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed training model. The training model emphasizes minimalism theory of training computer skills while keeping the training focused on subject-teacher's instructional needs. For the Social Studies' teachers'ICT competency, we evaluated the effectiveness of a material development approach for teacher training, and investigated the relationship between teacher's beliefs and teaching with ICT. The results revealed that the material development approach improved teachers'computer proficiency, and the perceived self-efficacy about using ICT in instruction of the teachers was gradually established through the process of realizing ICT integration. In addition, the way the teachers use ICT was affected by their beliefs in instruction. Finally, ICT helped the teachers realize instruction that they considered impossible in the past.For the Art teachers' ICT competency, we collaborated with one junior high school art teacher to experiment the possible ways of incorporating ICT into her classes. Two unit plans and their related learning materials were developed. And one web-based teaching tool was designed and implemented to support her teaching. Data were collected via videotaping, interviewing, web site developing, and questionnaire surveying. This study revealed that a personalized teaching tool for a teacher is necessary. And the researcher-teacher cooperative approach is one of the possible ways for promoting ICT integration in schools.教材製作教師信念資訊科技融入教學電腦知能電腦訓練模式國中教師電腦知能學習研究(III)---總計畫Enhancing Junior High School Teachers'Computer Proficiency (III)