陳奎憙2014-10-272014-10-271985-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17360本研究之目的,在運用比較方法,探討中英兩國師範教育發展之社會、經濟、與歷史背景,以及目前實施現況,並比較兩國師資養成制度之革新動向,以供改進我國師範教育之參考。本研究,經比較分系,發現中英兩國師範教育的發展趨勢,有其異同之處,其重要者,分述如下: 1.相遇之處: (1)整體提高中小學教師訓練水準,以達到大學程度為目標。 (2)中小學教師均須接受教育專業訓練,並經登記合格。 (3)擴充在職教育機會,鼓勵中小學教師在職進修。 2.相異之處: (1)我國堅守師範教育「閉鎖」政策,而英國採取「開放」政策。 (2)我國中小學教師分由不同訓練機構培養,而英國已打破界線,統一培養。 (3)我國師資養成的課程安排,採取「並進式」(concurrent),而英國則採取「連續式」(consecutive),各有利弊得失。本研究最後對我國師範教育的目標、政策,以及提高對教師地位等方面,提出數項建議。The purpose of this study is to examine the socio-economic and historical back-grounds and the existing systems of teacher-training in England and Taiwan, R.O.C. and to compare and discuss the new trends in teacher education in the two countries since 1975. From the comparative study, it was indicated that there were some similarities and differences in the systems of teacher education between the two countries: (1)Similarities: (a) To upgrade pre-service teacher education to an all-graduate level is the most important trend in both countries; (b) persons to be employed to teach in schools have to complete their professional training and must be qualified teachers; (c) a rapidly growing number of teacher are engaged in in-service training. (2)Differences: (a) While the teacher education in Taiwan is still a system of 'closed circuit' training, in England the contemprary developments in teacher educa-tion have shown a radical change in breaking the circuit, (b) While the pattern of teacher education in Taiwan is basically still the dual tracks, the system developed in England has moved towards a unified pattern. (c) Another difference in teacher educa-tion between the two countries is the 'concurrent' courses vs. 'consecutive* courses of initial training. In the last chapter, some recommendations concerning the future developments of teacher education in the two countries are presented.中比較英師範教育A Comparative Study of the Developments of Teacher Education in England and Taiwan, R.O.C.中英兩國師範教育發展之比較研究