周士堯陳哲銘2014-10-272014-10-272008-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23894由於全球化的衝擊,全球教育培養學生成為適應未來的世界公民,以促進公平與永續的世界。全球教育是不同科目的共同目標,但因地理學具綜合性質,並包涵世界 不同區域,有利全球教育的融入。例如在98地理課程綱要中,就指出「學生應積極表達對全球議題的人文關懷」的總目標。然而高中地理教學長期偏重知能,在教 學法經常以講述法為主情形下,較難深化學生全球視野的價值學習。 為強化地理教學的全球教育目標,本研究參考美國全球地理教育中心(Online Center for Global Geography Education,簡稱CGGE)經驗,研發一套適用於高中地理科的全球教育模組。為營造全球化下衝突與合作並存的學習情境,在參考網路合作學習經驗 後,選擇語言文化類似、相互依賴卻又敵對競爭的兩岸經貿,作為發展全球教育的跨區合作主題。此教學模組以兩岸網路合作學習及議題中心教學策略,引導學生透 過地理觀點進行探究與討論,發展合作、批判、多元尊重與面對衝突等能力,呼應了全球教育的目的。研究過程採準實驗設計,使用XOOPS架站程式作為學習平 臺,包含大陸及臺灣各一所高中102位學生,進行五個月的教學實驗。實驗結果顯示實施兩岸網路合作學習的學生在全球教育的知識、情意與技能的目標學習成效 皆有明顯進步,近7成學習者同意本教學模組值得推廣到其他學校實施。但由於兩岸高中生網路學習條件有落差,建議採用「開放式」的學習課程來進行教學。Owing to the impacts brought by globalization, global education training the students to become global citizens that adapt to the future and promoting a fair and everlasting world. Global education is the common goal among different subjects, but geography is beneficial to the realization of global education because it contains a characteristic of a global view. Moreover, the 2009 curriculum outline of senior high school for geography also indicates “Students should show their concerns toward global issues actively” as the ultimate goal. However, the geographic teaching in senior high schools in Taiwan has long laid emphasis on cognition. It’s more difficult to sharpen learners’ acquisition of global vision only by means of lecturing. To fortify the teaching goal of teaching geography in global education, this study consults the experience of Online Center for Global Geography Education (CGGE) in America, and develops a global education teaching model for geography teaching in senior schools. To create the learning situation of global conflict and cooperation, we chose the Taiwan and Mainland China trade issue, similar language culture, depend but compete mutually, after referring the internet cooperative learning experiments. In response to the purpose of global education, the teaching model applied cross-strait Internet cooperative learning and issue-based strategies to lead students to investigate and discuss the world through the perspective of geography and to facilitate students’ ability in cooperation, critical thinking, respecting multicultural and facing confrontation. XOOPS offers a free learning platform. The research adopts quasi-experimental design worked out by two ordinary high schools in Mainland China and Taiwan, including 102 students. Through the analysis of course quality discussion and the attitude inventory, students really improve their academic performances in global education. 67% of the learners agree that the course is worth popularizing t全球教育網路合作學習議題中心教學Global educationInternet cooperative learningIssue-based learning高中地理科全球教育的實踐Fulfilling Global Education in High School Geography Curriculum: The Teaching Design Case of Internet Cooperative Learning for Students on Both Sides of Taiwan Strait