黃均人Huang, Chun-Zen耿親易Geng, Qin-Yi2023-12-082023-07-192023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ddad3f955f294efb3eca93b4f7d211a1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121657林二,一位才華橫溢、不懼挑戰的音樂家,一生熱愛探索與創新,擁有豐富多樣的音樂經歷。十三歲即展露作曲才華,創作了第一首日文作品,二十歲舉行個人作品發表會,曾被特准免役赴美深造,研究理論作曲、算法作曲、人工智慧、編程系統等,成為世界第一位舉辦電腦(電子計算機)音樂演奏會的先鋒人物。回臺致力臺灣本土音樂創作與推廣,在早期音樂著作權的推動方面亦付出相當大的貢獻。《林二檔案》是林二留下的所有第一手資料,內容物包括創作手稿、個人文件、照片、往來書信、剪報、節目單、影音資料等,其珍貴之處在於原始物件本身的稀有性與其產生的特殊連結,是有序記憶的呈現,人類文化的重要資產,因保留了最真實的音樂歷史與檔案產生者的身分與故事性,是與歷史連結的重要載體,成為研究者不可忽視的第一手資訊。本研究針對林二檔案的內容資訊進行深入探究,意在梳理物件之間的關聯性與特徵,以及對於此檔案歷史脈絡的建構、解讀與思考。透過文獻分析,了解林二相關研究與編目工作涉及之問題與定義,據以選定國內外兩份檢索工具之內容與特色進行個案分析,以作為林二檔案編目規劃之基礎。焦點集中於實踐過程的紀錄與歷史脈絡的連結。結合檔案研究,梳理林二的音樂人生,較完整體現林二檔案價值,為社會增添一份珍貴歷史記憶。最後歸納應用心得與實務工作所遇之困難,提出對於日後研究者之建議,供華人地區音樂檔案編目整理之實務工作參考,爭取未來保護更多珍貴收藏。A talented musician who is not afraid of challenges, Lin Er has a lifelong passion for exploration and innovation, and has a rich and varied musical experience. At the age of thirteen, he began to demonstrate his compositional talent, creating his first Japanese composition and holding a solo performance at the age of twenty. He was exempted from military service and went to the U.S. to further his studies on theoretical composition, algorithmic composition, artificial intelligence, and programming systems, and became the first pioneer in the world to hold computer music concerts. He returned to Taiwan and devoted himself to the creation and promotion of local music in Taiwan, and made great contributions to the promotion of early music copyrights.The Lin Er Archive is a collection of all the Primary Sources left behind by Lin Er, including creative manuscripts, personal documents, photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, program lists, audio and video materials, etc. The rarity of the original objects and the special connection between them is what makes them valuable. It is an important carrier of historical links and has become a primary information that researchers cannot ignore.This study is an in-depth exploration of the contents of the Lin Er archive, with the aim of sorting out the correlations and characteristics of the objects, as well as constructing, interpreting, and thinking about the historical context of the archive. Through the analysis of the literature, we will understand the issues and definitions involved in the research and cataloging of the Lin Er archive, and select the contents and characteristics of two domestic and foreign search tools for case studies, which will serve as a basis for cataloging the Lin Er archive. The focus is on the documentation of practice and the linkage of historical contexts. By combining the archival research, we can sort out Lin Er's musical life and realize the value of Lin Er archive more completely, so as to add a precious historical memory to the society. Finally, we summarize the difficulties encountered in the practical work of cataloging Ethnic Chinese music archives, and offer suggestions for future researchers, in order to protect more valuable collections in the future.林二檔案第一手資料算法作曲編目實務工作Lin Er archivePrimary SourcesAlgorithmic compositionCatalogingPractical work林二檔案編目整理與內容探究A Study of Cataloguing and Exploring the Contents of the Lin Er Archiveetd