張武昌李櫻2014-10-272014-10-272008-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12324本文從功能語法角度檢視高中句型教學內容。研究首先指出語用頻率和標記理論在外語習得中的重要性,並以功能理論為分析架構,針對現行高中英語教材中廣為選用的三個版本之選文及句型練習,以及大考之學測與指考選文句型分佈,加以統計比對,並進行質與量的分析討論。結果顯示,教材及測驗選文中均以複句句型頻率遠超過特殊句型,然教材之句型練習卻包含過多特殊結構,顯不符合語用頻率及標記理論的原則。句型練習設計內容則偏重單句形式練習,且多以代換為主,即使含有對話或段落也未能切合標的句型的語用功能,極易造成對句型語用功能的誤解,有違溝通式教學法之原則。本文依據研究結果建議:高中教材之句型選取應依據選文語料之句型頻率,將句型分為「使用類句型」與「理解類句型」;並應參照標記理論,將語用頻率極低的特殊句型列為「理解類句型」。此外,句型呈現與練習設計均須符合語用功能及篇章情境,使語法學習與溝通功能的培養確實配合,方能收相輔相成之效。This paper examines English grammar instruction in senior high schools from a functional perspective. In view of the important role of frequency effect in language acquisition and the unique functions of marked structures in language use, the study conducted both quantitative and qualitative analyses on the sentence patterns appearing not only in the drill sections but also in the reading selections of three major textbooks, as well as those found in the reading passages of recent college entrance exams. The results reveal that there is an apparent overemphasis on rarely used marked structuresin the surveyed textbooks and that the drills are essentially mechanical in nature, ignoring the pragmatic and discourse functions of the drilled patterns. It is thus proposed that a distinction be made between "production structures" and "recognition structures" in high school textbooks—based on occurrence frequency—and that more attention be paid to the teaching of the discourse/pragmatic function of the drilled structures.句型教學功能語法頻率效應標記理論Grammar teachingFunctional grammarFrequency effectMarkedness從語用頻率與標記理論談高中英文句型教學Examining English Grammar Instruction in Taiwan's Senior High Schools: A Discourse/ Pragmatic Perspective