崔光宙2014-10-272014-10-271981-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25641在人類進化的過程當中,教育活動銾生得很早,一部教育史幾乎可以說是一部人類文化史。但教育被當作一門學問來研究,卻是比較晚近事。一八0六年,德學家赫爾巴特(J. F. Herbart,1776 ─ 1841)發表「普通教育學」(Allgemeine Pädagogik)一書,並首先提出「科學的教育學」觀念,所以被尊稱為「科學教育學之父」。他畢生努力於建立教育學體系,卻未十分成功,以後戚勒(T. Ziller,1817 1883)在萊比錫大學闡揚赫爾巴特的教育學說,赫爾巴特的思想及「教育學」這一名稱,才逐漸在德語世界受人重視。具體而言,本研究之目的有如下述:(1)從建構類型理論與運用的歷史發展過程,程究建構類型方法的發展趨向。(2)探討建構類型之基本理論與功能限制,以明其在教育理論運用之可能性。(3)探討現有教育理論之性、結構與形成過程,以顯示其進一步發展的需要。(4)由現象學的研究取向,探討建構類型與教育理論發展的關係,並分析這種研究取向的特質。(5)由經驗科學的研究取向,探討建構類型與教育理論發展的關係,並分析這種研究取向的特質。(6)以建構類型的綜合性質作為溝通的橋樑,提出綜合前述兩種研究取向之構想,以發展較完之教育理論與方法論。The main purposes of this study were twofold:(1)to analyze the method of“constructive typology”, and (2)to formally decuce som implications for educational─theory development form previous analysis. The whole process of deduction included historical description, theoretical analysis and synthesis of the historical development and fundamental theory of constructive typology, with a view to making the theory and methodology of education more mature and efficient. Constructive typology as a kind of methodological tool, concerning some characteristics of phenomenal world in a sense and elaborating itself a structure of logical completeness in another, actually could be used to bridge the complicated phenomenal world with the systematic theory, and help out in the formation of the latter. The procedure and major findings of this research could be divided into six parts:(1)According to the historical development of typology, there is a tendency that the modern perspectives of constructive typology have played an important role on the areas of recent empirical sciences, phenomenology, and philosophy of science. Hence, it is a common tool of these fields mentioned above. 2. In the analysis of fundamental theories of constructive typology, it is found functions are as follows. 1. concept formation, 2. phenomenon analysis, 3. heuristic function, 4. the basis of quantity research, and 5. models of theoretical construction. Briefly speaking, it is characterized as a mechanism bridging the empirical facts with the systematic theories. It is obvious that the constructive typology could be utilized with higher applicability in the development of educational theories.(3)Based on the characteristics and criteria of scientific theories, it is intended to analyze the current developments and orientations of educational theories. Furthermore, the analysis presents a way to construct educational theories in terms of the practical activities of education. And the process of construction建構類型及其在教育理論發展上的意義Constructive Typology and Its Implications on the Development of Educational theory