鄭勝耀蔡清田2014-10-272014-10-272008-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13085本研究旨在探索因應臺灣人口結構少子化與異質化的趨勢下,師資培育大學、教育行政主管機關,以及學校教學現場三者之間的合作關係,希冀師資培育大學之「培」與學校教學現場之「用」,能在教育行政主管機關的協助下達成均衡的發展。本研究先經由文獻分析、文件分析與焦點座談發展出師資培用聯盟28項因應策略,並據以形成研究調查問卷,問卷內容共分為職前師資養成、教育實習、教師資格檢定與甄選,以及教師專業發展等4大面向,針對師資培育大學、各縣市教育局,以及縣市國高中、小及幼稚園等研究對象進行問卷調查。本研究的主要發現為推動師資培用聯盟時的5項重要策略、2項可行策略與7項較有疑慮的策略。The purpose of the study is to investigate the possible cooperation among teacher education institutions, schools, and bureaus of education. The researchers attempt to setup a teacher education strategic alliance to balance the issues of demand and supply of teacher education right now in Taiwan. After conducting the literature review, documentary analysis, and focus group discussions, the investigators create 28 strategies for teaher education strategic alliance. Furthermore, the researchers form a set of questionnaires that include preservice teacher education, teaching practicum, qualification and accreditation, and teaching professional development and conduct the survey with bureaus of education, schools, and teacher education institutions. The major findings of the research are five important strategies, two fesible strategies, and seven questionable strategies.師資培育策略聯盟師資培用策略聯盟Teacher educationStrategic allianceTeacher education strategic alliance師資培用策略聯盟可行性指標之研究A Study on Fesible Indicators of the Teacher Education Strategic Alliance