方進義Fang, Chin-Yi丁語純Ding, Yu-Chun2019-09-052022-12-312019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004312115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107182全臺各地每年旅展總共舉辦超過約20場,頻繁的參展會讓參展商投入不少資源成本,而眾多的投入資源成本是否能夠達到參展商預計之目標與績效,要使參展發揮最大效益,是否有哪些投入資源項目可以增減?相關研究付之闕如;由於台北國際旅展為全台歷史最悠久、規模最盛大的國際性旅遊展,本次研究對象以參展2016年台北國際旅展之旅行社及旅館參展商。透過文獻歸納旅展參展商 (Exhibitor) 的投入資源與產出變項,再以問卷蒐集各參展商投入與產出數據,以投入導向 (Input Oriented) 資料包絡分析法 (Data Envelopment Analysis) 評估參展績效。本次研究結果2016年台北國際旅展旅行社及旅館參展商平均純技術效率值為0.81及0.68,並透過投入差額變數分析提供參展商參考標竿參展商,並針對效率較差的參展商提供最佳投入量的修正項目及數據,旅行社及旅館參展商之投入資源平均應減少 (1) 攤位面積22.4、14.2平方公尺;(2) 攤位租金19.6、12.5萬元;(3) 現場員工數85、28人次;(4) 攤位搭建相關費用9.3、15.1萬元,以達成最佳參展績效。因台北國際旅展攤位總是供不應求,透過群組技術水準 (Metatechnology Ratio, MTR),能知道旅館參展商群組 (0.99) 較旅行社參展商群組 (0.77) 更具有效率,可當作該展主辦單位篩選參展商之依據。Too many tradeshows have let exhibitors ran through resources. Extant researches are lack of calculating all inputs resources and evaluating exhibitors’ performance. To contribute the literature gap, this studying applying data envelopment analysis (DEA). DEA, is a nonparametric test through multiple inputs and outputs, was used to evaluate the exhibitors' Performance. Travel agency and hotel exhibitors in 2016 Taipei International Travel Fair (Taipei ITF) are selected. Our results are to indicated that the average efficiency score among the exhibitors. The input slack value analysis will show that which and how much the input should decrease to achieve the best performance. Also tell the exhibitors could benchmark which exhibitors. Due to the fact that Taipei ITF booth is always in short supply Metatechnology Ratio (MTR) can tell Hotels group of exhibitors (0.99) are in more efficiency than Travel Agencies group (0.77). It may be used as selecting the exhibitors to the organization of Taipei ITF.旅行社與旅館資料包絡分析法參展商投入資源參展績效群組技術水準Taipei ITF (Taipei International Travel Fair)Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)Input Resource of exhibitorsTradeshow PerformanceMetatechnology Ratio (MTR)探討台北國際旅展不同產業參展商之群組相對績效表現Technical Efficiency and Metatechnology Ratios for Exhibitors in the Taipei International Travel Fair