許樹淵Shuh-Yuan Hsu陳淑英Shu-Yin Chen2019-09-052007-7-262019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093043014%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105194本研究應用生物力學原理,探討大專與高中男子短距離選手起跑及起跑後第一步、第二步相關參數之差異,藉由研究所得提供教練及運動員作為訓練參考。本研究受試者為高中與大專男子選手各五名,平均身高為173.6±2.7及174.2±3.2公分,體重為61.4±4.4及67.6±3.2公斤、年齡為15.8±1.1及21.4±0.9歲。本實驗方法使用一台Redlake高速數位攝影機、一組單向測力計以及Kwon3D軟體, 採用獨立樣本t考驗及皮爾遜績差相關進行分析,以SPSS12.0 統計軟體計算,顯著水準訂為α= .05。本研究結論有以下三點。 (一) 本實驗研究發現高中選手在預備姿勢之軀幹角度、起跑重心水平位移皆大於大專選手;而大專選手起跑反應時間快於高中選手,預備姿式前後髖關節、第二步重心垂直位移、第一步、第二步著地重心垂直速度、第二步著地重心高度,均大於高中選手。 (二) 動力學部分:大專選手的前腳最大反作用力大於高中選手,高中選手之後腳總衝量(倍體重)大於大專選手,兩組前腳最大反作用力皆大於後腳之最大反作用力。 (三) 起跑重心水平速度、起跑重心垂直速度與起跑重心合速度與前後髖關節、前後膝關節、軀幹角度、前後腳最大反作用力及前腳總衝量皆未達顯著相關。重心水水平速度與後腳總衝量之倍體重成顯著相關(r=.66)。 關鍵詞:短距離、起跑、3D攝影分析、生物力學 Biomechanical Analysis of Starts by College and Senior High Male Sprinters June 2007 Postgraduate: Shu-Yin Chen; Adviser: Shuh-Yuan Hsu Abstract Based on the principles of biomechanics, this study explores the differences among the parameters about the start and the fist and second steps following the start by the college and senior high male sprinters. The findings shall be the reference for the training methods adopted by coaches to athletes. Five senior high male athletes and five college ones are the subjects. Averagely, the senior high male athletes are 173.6±2.7 cm (height), 61.4±4.4 kg (weight), and 15.8±1.1 years old (age), while the college male athletes are 174.2±3.2 cm (height), 67.6±3.2 kg (weight), and 21.4±0.9 years old (age). The experiment is conducted with a Redlake high-speed digital camera, a set of unidirectional dynamometers, and the Kwon3D software. The analysis employs the t-test of independent samples and the Pearson product-moment correlation, the calculation adopts the statistical software, SPSS12.0, and α= .05 is the level of significance. The findings and the conclusion are in the three following points: (四) In the experiment, the senior high athletes have greater trunk angles at the commencing position and greater horizontal displacements of the start cg (center of gravity). At the start, college athletes re-act faster and have greater front and back hip joints at the commencing position, greater vertical displacements of cg at the second step, faster vertical speeds of the landing cg at the first and second steps, and higher heights of the landing cg at the second step. (五) In dynamics, the college athletes have the greater maximum counterforce of forefeet. The senior high athletes have the greater total impulse of back feet (times the weight). For the two sets of subjects, the maximum counterforce is greater at the forefoot than at the back foot. (六) The horizontal and vertical speeds and resultant velocity of cg at the start do not reach the level of significance. The maximum counterforce at the front and back hip joints, the front and back knee joints, the trunk angle, and the forefeet and back feet do not, either, and neither does the total impulse at the forefeet. Nevertheless, the relation between the horizontal speed of cg and the total impulse (times the weight) of back feet is quite significant (r=.66).短距離起跑3D攝影分析生物力學 sprintstart3D photography analysisand biomechanics大專與高中男子短距離選手起跑之生力學分析Biomechanical Analysis of Starts by College and Senior High Male Sprinters