國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系暨研究所信世昌2014-10-302014-10-302009-02-28http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31645本研究旨在分析並探究近二十年來在華語數位教學方面的研究取向,採用次級文獻 方析法〈SecondaryAnalysis〉來調查相關之文獻資料及研究成果,資料來源包括台灣、大 陸、美國及其它地區的華語教學之期刊論文、研討會論文、學位論文、專書等,預計將 有數千筆之論文待蒐集與分析。 將電腦應用在對外華語教學約起於八十年代末期,在過去二十年之內已有愈來愈多 與華語數位教學的研究與論文產生,本研究希望經由內容分析來瞭解國內外在華語教學 領域的各種電腦數位應用情形,包括語言技能〈聽力、會話、閱讀、寫作〉及語言本體 〈漢字、發音、辭彙、句法、篇章〉;使用方式〈實驗、應用、融入〉及用於華語教學 之電腦工具〈平台、軟體、系統等等〉。冀能全面瞭解華語數位教學之發展與現況,此 研究結果不僅能瞭解有哪些華語技能與內容已有數位方面之研究成果,亦能瞭解有哪些 部份尚有待開發,並能提供日後國內產官學界發展華語數位之重要依據及參考方向。The research aims to analyze and investigate the research approach on e-learning for Chinese as a second language in recent 20 years. The methodology applied for data collection and analysis is the method of SecondaryAnalysis. The data will collected from journal articles, conference proceedings, degree thesis/dissertation, books and from Taiwan, Mainland China, the US and other places. Over thousands papers/articles/thesis are expected to be collected and analyzed. Appling computer for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language was initialed around the end of 80s. Over the past 20 years, more and more research and papers on Chinese e-learning have been done in the field of TCSL. This research will investigate all types of computer-assisted Chinese learning, in terms of language skills 〈listening, speaking, reading and writing〉, language structure 〈Chinese characters, pronunciation, words/phrase, syntax and discourse〉, implementation 〈experiment, embedded, application〉 and so on. The result of the research will provide an overall understanding not only on what sub-fields of TCSL have been fully implemented with e-learning, but also the needs of certain sub-fields that was lack of e-learning. In addition, the research result can be an important reference and the direction for the development Chinese L2 e-learning by government, business and academic field.全球華語文數位學習之研究取向調查及分析