潘裕豐倪明賢Ni, Ming-Hsien2019-08-282012-1-182019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0598091304%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91739本研究旨在探討特殊教育學校組織氣氛與教師兼任行政職務意願影響因素之關係。透過文獻分析,以自編「特殊學校組織氣氛與教師兼任行政職務意願影響因素」問卷為研究工具進行調查。研究對象為臺灣地區公立特殊教育學校正式教師,共發問卷304份,有效問卷291份,整體可用率95.72%。所收問卷之數據,以SPSS19軟體進行統計分析。研究發現: 壹、教師所知覺之教師親密行為與校長支持行為屬中高程度,教師團隊行為與校長指示行為屬中程度,校長限制行為與教師隔閡行為屬中低程度。 貳、教師知覺學校組織氣氛類型以開放型為最多,其次為封閉型、投入型、疏離型。 參、特殊教育學校教師在兼任行政職務意願影響因素之知覺,以組織因素最為顯著,其次為個人因素與職務因素。 肆、教師對組織氣氛的知覺,因「性別」、「任教年資」、「最高行政職務經驗」、「兼任行政職務意願」、「任教學校班級規模」等背景變項不同,而在部分組織氣氛層面及行為開放程度有顯著差異。 伍、教師對兼任行政職務意願影響因素的知覺,因「性別」、「最高行政職務經驗」、「兼任行政職務意願」等背景變項不同而有顯著差異。 陸、不同組織氣氛類型的特殊教育學校,其教師在兼任行政職務意願影響因素上並無顯著差異。 柒、校長支持行為層面、校長指示行為層面、教師團隊行為層面及教師親密行為層面等四項組織氣氛層面與教師兼任行政職務意願影響因素間,呈現正相關。 捌、組織氣氛行為開放程度中,教師開放行為與教師兼任行政職務意願影響因素間,呈現正相關。 玖、特殊教育學校組織氣氛對教師兼任行政職務意願影響因素,部份層面具有預測力;整體來說,校長支持行為層面相較於其他組織氣氛層面,具有較高的預測力。The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational climate in special education schools and the influential factors on the teachers’ willingness to administrative work. The methods of research included literature analysis and questionnaire survey. A self-designed “Organizational Climate in Special Education School and The Influential Factors on The Teachers’ Willingness to Administrative Work” questionnaire was adopted as a research tool. The samples adopted were the teachers in public special education schools in Taiwan. Among the total 304 questionnaires, 291 copies were valid and the questionnaire efficiency was 95.72%. The returned questionnaires were proceed by SPSS 19.0. Conclusions were as follows: 1.”Teachers’ intimate behavior” and “Principals’ supportive behavior” were experienced in medium-high degree. “Teachers’ collegial behavior” and “Principals’ directive behavior” were experienced in medium degree. “Principals’ restrictive behavior” and “Teachers’ disengaged behavior” were experienced in medium-low degree. 2.The types of organizational climate in special education schools were "open type" mostly, followed by "closed type", "input type", and "alienated type". 3.The factors which affected the willingness of special education schools teachers who join in administrative work were ”organization” mostly, followed by "individual" and "job". 4.Teachers’ perceptions to the organizational climate varies significantly depending on their attributes and background such as "gender", "teaching years", " the highest administrative position", "willingness to administrative work" and “scale of the school”. 5.Regarding the influential factors on teachers’ willingness to administrative work, significant differences were found depending on such teachers’ background variables as "gender", " the highest administrative position", "willingness to administrative work". 6.Regarding the influential factors on the teachers’ willingness to administrative work, there was no significant difference between different organizational climate types of special education school. 7.Positive relationship is shown between the influential factors on the teachers’ willingness to administrative work and some organizational climte such as “Principals’ supportive behavior”, “Principals’ directive behavior”, “Teachers’ collegial behavior” and ”Teachers’ intimate behavior”. 8.Positive relationship was shown between the influential factors on the teachers’ willingness to administrative work and teachers’ behavioral openness degree. 9.Some layers of organizational climate in special education schools had significant predictions toward the influential factors on the teachers’ willingness to administrative work; as a whole, “Principals’ supportive behavior” had more significant prediction toward the influential factors on the teachers’ willingness to administrative work.特殊教育學校組織氣氛兼任行政職務意願影響因素special education schoolorganizational climateadministrative workthe influential factors on the teachers’ willingness特殊教育學校組織氣氛與教師兼任行政職務意願影響因素之研究Study on Organizational Climate in Special Education Schools and The Influential Factors on The Teachers’ Willingness To Administrative Work