陳世煌黃文俊2014-10-272014-10-272006-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6793本文描述臺灣低海拔山區產袋蛛科之一新種:鏟形馬蒂蛛。鏟形馬蒂蛛雄蛛觸肢之插入器為帶狀,末端迴轉一圈,並且觸肢脛節突起呈鏟形,末端擴大、截平,並有細齒狀突起,與本屬其他種類可資區別。雌蛛不明。馬蒂蛛屬為臺灣蜘蛛的新紀錄屬。A new species of clubionid spider, Matidia spatulata sp. nov., is described from the low mountain areas of Taiwan. It can be distinguished from other congeners by having a coiled, ribbon-shaped embolus and a spatulate tibial apophysis widened distally and densely covered with fine denticles on its distal end. The female remains unknown. The genus Matidia is reported from Taiwan for the first time.蜘蛛目袋蛛科馬蒂蛛屬新種臺灣AraneaeClubionidaeMatidiaNew speciesTaiwanA New Spider of the Genus Matidia (Araneae, Clubionidae) from Taiwan臺灣產馬蒂蛛屬蜘蛛之一新種(蜘蛛目:袋蛛科)