汝明麗Ju, Ming-Li吳玟潔Wu, Wen-Chieh2019-09-032019-08-302019-09-032019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060425015L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95947本研究旨在了解口譯學生對於口譯回饋有何看法、是否認為實際收到的回饋與期待存有落差、以及課堂外回饋是否有不同的影響力。本研究以臺灣三所翻譯所學生為問卷施測及半結構式訪談對象,以敘述統計、質性分析整理歸納,得出本研究之結論。主要發現如下: 一、 所有受試者皆樂意收到教師及同儕回饋,且近九成皆認同其內容。高達七成學生習慣記錄自身口譯表現,但是僅約四成會固定聽錄音、看錄影。近八成受試者表示比起同儕或自我回饋,較偏好教師回饋。 二、 學生認為教師、同儕、自我回饋皆能驗證自己對口譯表現的瞭解、指出錯誤,而提升學習動機的效果則最不顯著。部分學生會依據回饋內容改變學習方式,部分學生則尚未實行刻意練習。 三、 現行口譯回饋實務與學生期待無明顯落差,譯入語言方向及學生對同儕能力的了解,則是影響學生期待的因素。 四、 課外實習及模擬會議,能讓學生體驗到真實口譯工作情境,並了解自身表現會因觀眾在場而與平常有所不同。 口譯回饋在課堂及課後練習皆是不可或缺的關鍵,本研究的發現有助於促進口譯教師與學生更加關注此議題,鼓勵其重新思考回饋在口譯學習扮演的角色,根據學生表達的想法,調整回饋機制,使口譯教學更趨完善。This study aims to explore how student interpreters view performance feedback. To this end, the researcher designed a survey which was completed by student interpreters from three schools in Taiwan, followed up by semi-structured interviews. The compiled data was analysed from a mixed qualitative and quantitative perspective using descriptive statistics. The primary findings of this study are as follows: 1. All participants are willing to receive performance feedback from both teachers and peers; 70% of participants create audio or video recordings of their interpretation practice, but only 40% review these recordings regularly. Nearly 80% of participants prefer teacher feedback to peer- or self-evaluation. 2. Students report that all feedback can highlight errors and validate their understanding of their own performance, but feedback alone does not significantly increase their motivation to learn or improve. Some students adjust how they practice based on feedback received, whereas some do not—they have not engaged in deliberate practice yet. 3. Overall, students are receiving the feedback that they expect, but their expectations are shaped by the speaker (i.e. teacher or classmate) and target language (i.e. mother tongue or foreign language). 4. Students gain real-world experience through interpretation assignments (e.g. mock conferences) outside the classroom, and find that the change in setting may unexpectedly affect their performance. Feedback is an essential element in interpretation training. The findings of this study can hopefully stimulate discussion on feedback practices, lead to necessary adjustments, and eventually improve the overall quality of interpretation training.口譯回饋口譯教學教師回饋同儕回饋自我回饋Feedbackinterpretation trainingteacher feedbackpeer feedbackself-feedback臺灣翻譯所學生口譯回饋看法初探An Exploration of Performance Feedback from Student Interpreter Perspectives