葉國樑林孜懿Tzu-Yi Lin2019-08-282010-8-202019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093053011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87569摘 要 本研究主要目的在於了解參與清潔針具計畫之藥局從業人員對於計畫的執行現況,並進一步探討影響計畫行為之相關因素,以供日後相關行政部門落實清潔針具計畫推動之參考。研究方法以參與2009年清潔針具計畫台北區地方藥局從業人員為母群體,採全數調查,利用郵寄問卷方式,共發出問卷93份,有效問卷回收率84.95%,得有效樣本79人。所得資料採描述性及推論性統計方式進行分析。 研究結果顯示:(1)態度、自覺行動利益、自我效能、資訊獲得情形、滿意度及重要他人的支持程度與遵行清潔針具計畫行為呈現正相關,自覺行動障礙與遵行清潔針具計畫行為呈現負相關;(2)對遵行清潔針具計畫行為之執行現況,整體而言執行頻率以經常會的最高有五成四,遵行頻率分別以「懸掛清潔針具計畫識別標誌」、「張貼愛滋病防治宣導海報」及「告知藥癮者安全處理使用過的針具或回收使用過的針具」為多,而「告知藥癮者採取安全性行為」與「詢問藥癮者參加愛滋病毒篩檢意願並提供資訊」最無法遵行;(3)自我效能、清潔針具計畫資訊獲得情形最能預測參與清潔針具計畫之地方藥局從業人員遵行清潔針具計畫行為,聯合解釋變異量達39.5%。其中以自我效能對遵行清潔針具計畫行為最具影響力。 關鍵字:清潔針具計畫、地方藥局、PRECEDE模式、減害計畫ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to understand the awareness of current status of the needle exchange program NEP) among the community pharmacists in Taipei area. We analyzed the associated factors that would influence the program, which might further provide the government authorities some references. Postal questionnaires survey was mailed to all community pharmacists who joined the annual NEP in Taipei in 2009. Descriptive statistics and deductive statistics were adapted to analyze the data. A total of 93 postal questionnaires survey forms were mailed. Seventy-nine out of the 93 questionnaires were returned (response rate: 84.95%). 1.Attitude,self-awareness of benefit, self-efficacy, sufficient information, satisfaction with the NEP and supports from the significant ones were positively associated with the willingness of following the NEP defined items, while self-awareness of obstacles was negatively associated with the willingness. 2.Regarding to the actual status of performing NEP, the highest rate was 54% on “often”. The NEP items that a community pharmacist was most willing to follow were “Hang the NEP program identity sign at the pharmacy”, “Post the HIV/AIDS prevention posters at the pharmacy” and “Inform the drug users about the information on how to safely handle the needle syringes and how to recycle the needle syringes”. The NEP items theta community pharmacist is least willing to follow were “Inform the drug users the importance of safe sex” and “Query the drug users on their willingness to participate in the HIV screening program and provide related information.” 3.The factors that best predict the community pharmacists’ willing to follow the NEP program items were self-efficacy, religious belief, and information sources. All these factors could explain 39.5% of the variation. Among them, self-efficacy was the most powerful factor to influence the community pharmacists’ willingness to follow the NEP items. Key Words: needle exchange program、community pharmacist、PRECEDE model、harm reduction program清潔針具計畫地方藥局PRECEDE模式減害計畫needle exchange programcommunity pharmacistPRECEDE modelharm reduction program探討台灣北部地區參與清潔針具計畫之地方藥局從業人員推廣計畫之相關因素研究