方進隆Chin-Lung Fang吳念芝Nain-Zhi Wu2019-09-052005-7-52019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069130046%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104819本研究在比較接受電話諮詢、電子郵件與自我記錄的高中女生,身體活動量、運動行為、運動態度和運動認知之差異。受試者為120位台北市景美女中(平均年齡15.75±0.37歲)無規律運動習慣的女學生,隨機分為電話諮詢組、電子郵件組與自我記錄組,三組的受試者都需攜帶計步器、記錄每日所走步數,並分別進行十二週自主性運動實驗。從實驗第一週至第十二週,電話諮詢組,每週都會接到一通電話訪談,電子郵件組則會收到一封電子信件,電話與電子信件內容為鼓勵受試者多運動;而自我記錄組則只需記錄每日步數。所有受試者於實驗前、後填寫運動狀況問卷,且須固定每週繳交運動記錄表。所有資料經過量化處理後,以二因子混合設計變異數進行分析,其結果如下: 1.在十二週自主性運動後,電話諮詢組、電子郵件組與自我記錄組之身體活動量,實驗後期時明顯比第一週增加(P<.05)。 2.在十二週自主性運動後,電話諮詢組、電子郵件組與自我記錄組之 身體活動量在三組間並沒有達顯著差異( P>.05)。 3.電話諮詢組、電子郵件組與自我記錄組的運動行為、運動態度、運動認知,實驗後比實驗前有明顯進步(P <.05)。 4.電話諮詢組、電子郵件組與自我記錄組其運動行為、運動態度、運動認知在三組間並沒有達顯著水準 (P>.05)。 電話諮詢組、電子郵件組與自我記錄組,從事十二週攜帶計步器的自主性運動皆能顯著提升高中女生身體活動量、運動行為、運動態度及運動認知;三種諮詢輔導策略與身體活動量、運動行為、運動態度和運動認知間沒有顯著差異。The purposes of this study were to compare the differences of different counseling assistance strategies (counseling via telephone, email and self-recording with pedometers) on physical activities, exercise behavior, exercise attitude, and exercise knowledge of female senior high school students. The subjects were composed of 120 female students form Taipei Jingmei Senior High School whom do not participate in daily regular physical activities, their average age were 15.75±0.37 years. The subjects were randomly assigned into three groups: telephone counseling group (TEL-G), email counseling group (Email-G), and self-recording group (Self-recording-G). All three groups of students were required to carry pedometers, and recorded the number of steps daily for 12 weeks. TEL-G received one telephone call each week, Email-G received one reminder via email each week, and Self-recording-G only recorded the number of steps from the pedometer daily. They also submitted a physical exercise record on a weekly basis. Before and after the study, all participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their exercise status with exercise behavior, exercise attitude, and exercise knowledge. After all the information has been submitted, the data was analyzed and evaluated using mixed design two-way ANOVA, and the results were the following: 1.The TEL-G, Email-G, and Self-recording-G have all shown a significant improvement in their walking steps than the first week of the study ,after 12 weeks of different counseling assistance strategies study (P<. 05). 2.The physical activities among TEL-G, Email-G, and Self-recording-G had no significant differences., after 12 weeks study (P>.05). 3.TEL-G, Email-G, and Self-recording-G had all shown a significant improvement in exercise status with exercise behavior, exercise attitude, and exercise knowledge (P <. 05). 4.The different counseling assistance strategies among TEL- G, Email-G, and Self-recording-G have no significant improvement in exercise status with exercise behavior, exercise attitude, and exercise knowledge. (P>.05) The 12 weeks of self carry pedometers with either telephone counseling, email counseling, or self-recording had significantly improved the physical activity level, exercise behavior, attitude, and knowledge of female senior high school student.電話諮詢電子郵件自我記錄身體活動運動狀況Telephone counselingEmailSelf-recordingPhysical activitiesExercise status不同諮詢輔導策略對高中女生身體活動之影響The Effect of physical Activity to Female Senior High School Students with Different Counseling Assistance Strategies