邱春瑜Chiu, Chun-Yu楊舒雅Yang, Shu-Ya2023-12-082023-08-092023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2a9f8071e4f7b413caf0340edcb7ee1a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119691本研究受到教學現場發生的議題以及身心障礙權利公約(CRPD)啟發,為國中輕度智能障礙學生進行以學生為本位的性教育方案。研究方法採行動研究法,研究過程參考Kyriazopoulou 和Weber(2009)針對融合教育政策的監控模式:輸入、過程、監控反思、結果來執行此行動研究。研究對象為新北市某國中分散式資源班的六位智能障礙學生。 研究者在執行方案前為能更聚焦學生需求,根據文獻擬定大綱焦點訪談6位學生、2位家長及2位青年智障者,以多方角度瞭解學生需求。研究者以此為基礎設計為期8堂的性教育方案,包含三個單元,分別為:身體自主權、網路色情及交友以及性病預防。根據多元資料分析及研究者省思,有以下發現: 一、「我們的青春YES WE CAN」性教育方案的規劃過程,除了採納學生本人、家長以及青年智障者對性教育的多元觀點外,還有加上研究者自身對於性教育的正向態度、CRPD精神所建構,並以自編教材、多元教學法為主。 二、「我們的青春YES WE CAN」性教育方案的實施過程中,從正向行為為出發點、營造正向環境,並將學生視為「有性的人」,能讓學生與研究者間進行想法上的交流與溝通,進而互相影響而有正面的改變。 三、學生在經歷「我們的青春YES WE CAN」性教育方案後,性態度趨於正向,性知識及技能也有明顯上升,但推行到現實生活中仍須性教育的持續支持。 四、研究者在經歷「我們的青春YES WE CAN」性教育方案後,除了專業性教育知識成長,更能藉由反思瞭解「性權」對於學生的重要性。Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) calls for a right-based disposition change in the field. As a response, this study aims to document the development and implementation of a student-centered sex education program for middle school students with mild intellectual disability. The researcher adopted an action research method grounded in the inclusive education policy analysis proposed by Kyriazopoulou and Weber (2009) and followed a four-step (i.e., input, process, monitoring, outcome) model for implementation. The research participants were six students with mild intellectual disabilities in a resource class from a middle school in New Taipei City. To develop the program, the researcher focused on the needs of the students by reviewing the existing curriculum and conducting focus groups with stakeholders. Next, the researcher designed an 8-session sex education program,"Our Youth Yes We Can" (here after referred to as "the program"), with three major topics: body autonomy, internet dating and pornography, and STD prevention. The researcher acted as the instructor of all sessions, collected quantitative and qualitative data, and recorded reflections after each session. The mixed-method data analysis revealed the findings below: 1. During the development of the program, the researchers found it essential to integrate perspectives from multiple stakeholders (i.e., the six participating students, two of their parents, their case managers, and two young adults with intellectual disability) while referencing the core value of the CRPD and reflecting upon the instructor’s perspective towards sex education. Diverse materials and pedagogical strategies were helpful. 2. During the program's implementation, it is important to encourage positive behaviors, create a positive learning environment, and treat students as "sexual beings." These strategies allow the students and instructor to exchange ideas and facilitate smooth communication, resulting in positive changes. 3. After the program's implementation, participating students’ sexual attitudes became more positive, and their sexual knowledge and skills improved significantly. However, they still needed ongoing support for sexeducation. 4. After implementing the program, the researcher/instructor gained not only sex education knowledge but also established a greater understanding of the importance of "sexual rights for individuals with disabilities."智能障礙性教育方案行動研究intellectual disabilitysex education programsaction research國中輕度智能障礙學生性教育方案-「我們的青春YES WE CAN」行動研究Sexuality Education Program for Students with Mild Intellectual Disability in Junior High School – Action Research on"Our Youth Yes We Can"etd