蔡錦堂Tsai, Chin-Tang賴冠妏Lai, Kuan-Wen2020-10-192025-09-012020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060627009L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110818 「臺灣省立臺北高級中學「臺灣總督府臺北高等學校」改制而來,臺北高校創立於1922年,為日治時期臺灣唯一一所「舊制高校」,舊制高校的特色在於,學生原則上得以免試直升帝國大學,並具有優於全島的課程、師資以及獨特的「自由自治」校風,該校培育的校友多為日本、臺灣社會各領域中的領導者。戰後,國民政府接收臺灣,並帶來與日治時期截然不同的學制,1945年11月,臺北高校改制為臺北高中,並於1946年6月起,與「臺灣省立師範學院」共用同一校地,卻在1949年7月決議停辦,與師範學院合併,校地與校產皆歸師範學院所有,就此消失於臺灣人的記憶中。 臺北高中僅於歷史上存在的短短五年時間,正面臨新舊政權的交接之際,隨著新政權而來的新學制、語言與文化,改變了臺北高中的命運。本文旨在研究臺北高中的成立與廢校過程、學制、課程、學風等,期以建構臺北高級中學的全貌,並探討隨著新政權而來的劇烈制度、語言、文化改變,對於臺北高中以及其師生的影響。 雖然臺北高中存在時間相當短暫,卻正值戰後初期最為動盪不安的時期,誕生於二次大戰的終結,卻在緊接而來的國共內戰之下的二二八事件、四六事件中殞落;乍看之下彷彿又與一般高中無異,然而其作為臺北高校的後繼者,不但承襲臺北高校的自由自治校風,對於當時的多數臺灣學子而言,仍是全島第一志願,因此在新制度之下,實為地位落差最劇者。生存於新舊時代的夾縫之間,具有相當特殊性的臺北高中,可說在同時期中等學校、甚至全島教育機構中,最能觀察到時代轉換之影響者。 Taiwan Provincial Taipei Senior High School is the successor of Taihoku Higher School which was the only “old system higher school” established in 1922 during Japanese colonial period. The feature of “old system higher school” was that in principle higher school students were able to enter the Imperial University with exam-free admission. Additionally, this school was superior in school curriculum and the quality of teachers and equipped with an unique atmosphere of “liberty and autonomy”. Last but not least, the alumni of this school had mostly become leaders in different fields of expertise in the society of both Japan and Taiwan. After the war, the Nationalist government took over Taiwan and introduced a new education system which was totally different from Japanese system. Taihoku Higher School had transformed into Taiwan Provincial Taipei Senior High School. In November, 1945, and shared the campus with Taiwan Provincial Teachers College since June, 1946. However, Taipei Senior High School was closed down in July, 1949 and merged with Provincial Teachers College. As the possession of the campus and all the property were taken by Provincial Teachers College, Taiwanese people’s memory of Taipei Senior High School faded away. Due to the transition of the old and new regimes and new education system, language and culture brought by new regime, the destiny of Taipei Senior High School had changed. The thesis aims to investigate the establishment and abolition of Taipei Senior High School. The education system, curriculum and atmosphere of Taipei Senior High School would be discussed. Furthermore, how the dramatic transformation on system, language and culture caused by new regime affected its teachers and students in school would also be demonstrated. Although Taipei Senior High School had only lasted for 5 years from 1945 to 1949, it had been through the most turbulent period which started from the end of World War Ⅱ and ended with the February 28 incident and April 6 incident. It seemed that Taipei Senior High School was similar to other normal high schools, however, as the successor of Taihoku Higher School, Taipei Senior High School did not only inherit the atmosphere of liberty and autonomy, but also be considered as the best high school by most of the Taiwanese students at that time. Therefore, under the new education system, Taipei Senior High School could be considered as the one which experienced the largest gap of the status compared with others. As experiencing the transition of the new and old regime and equipping with considerable distinctiveness, Taipei Senior High School could be considered as the best observation object within all the education institutions at that time when it comes to the changes under the transition of different era.省立臺北高級中學臺北高等學校省立師範學院中等教育高等教育接收改制學風Taiwan Provincial Taipei Senior High SchoolTaihoku Higher SchoolTaiwan Provincial Teachers CollegeSecondary educationHigher educationTake overSystem transitionAtmosphere of school新舊政權夾縫中的臺灣省立臺北高級中學(1945-1949)Research of Taiwan Provincial Taipei Senior High School Under Regime Transition from 1945 to 1949