林宜穎Lin, Yi-Yin簡嘉慧Chien, Chia-Hui2020-10-192021-08-312020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060502020E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110396全球人口結構趨勢——高齡化及少子化,對不同地區造成了因地而異的衝擊,各國也相繼提出因應措施。我國內政部人口狀況調查報告亦指出獨居者的比例亦有增加之趨勢,再者,在都市化社會中出現人與人之間離散現象、過往緊密的人際網絡逐漸式微、社會個人化的結構、高負擔的居住成本、虛擬網絡社群等社會議題,緣起於北歐的共居模式似乎成為一新解藥,本研究旨在探究臺灣青銀共居中的代間互動情形,包含青銀共居的居住動機、代間互動之形式、共居中的代間交換與支持、共居後的轉變,本研究以質性研究方法,透過半結構式訪談法,訪談對象為共居青年、共居長輩及推行青銀共居單位三方。本研究結果主要發現: 1.在共居動機與期待上共居長輩對於青銀共居採較開放的態度,青年的共居動機則會受到過去對長者的印象及互動經驗影響。 2.共居青銀的互動形式主要以日常互動為主,共居長輩相較共居青年在互動上較為主動,共居青年則是需經一段時間交流後才會主動邀請長輩互動。 3.代間交換的展開有賴雙方關係之建立。此關係之建立是漸進的從陌生到信任感的建立,最終展開互惠關係的歷程。 4.共居青年以提供情感型支持為主;共居長輩則以提供勞務型支持為主。 5.共居之後青銀雙方在情感、行為與認知上皆會有所轉變,尤其對不同的世代將會重新再認識亦會反思到與原生家庭的代間關係。 6.對於與非血親之代間共居容易存在價值觀差異,導致共居之代間關係建立與維持之不易,故推行單位之第三方所扮演的中介角色更顯重要性。The purpose of the study is to explore the intergenerational interaction experience of young people and elders who live in intergenerational co-housing in Taiwan, including their motivations, the forms of intergenerational interaction, intergenerational exchange experience, and their attitude after co-living. Qualitative research method was used in this research and semi-structured interviews were employed. The interviewees included young people and elders who live in cohousing, and the project executors who promote intergenerational co-housing in Taiwan. The results of this study are: 1. In terms of motivations and expectations of co-housing, elders are more open-mined, however, young people’s motivations are affected by their past impressions and interactive experiences with elders. 2.Intergenerational interaction in co-housing is based on daily routine, the elders are more active to interact with young people, while young people need more time. 3. The basis of intergenerational exchange in co-housing is building relationships. Building a sustained and stable exchange relationship requires mutual respect, communication and willing to solve the conflicts between them. 4.Young people in co-housing provide emotional support and the elders provide labor-based support. 5. Co-residents have changes their perceptions in emotion, behavior, and cognition toward different generations, especially they re-recognized different generations, and reflect on the relationship with the native family. 6. Co-residents have different values and it’s not easy to establish and maintain relationships between them, therefore, the role from third party is sometimes like the lubricator of relationship between them.青銀共居共同居住代間互動代間交換與支持intergenerational co-housingco-livingintergenerational interactionintergenerational exchange and support臺灣青銀共居的代間互動經驗之研究A study of intergenerational interaction in Taiwan’s intergenerational co-housing