張晏榕Chang, Yen-Jung陳均宜Chen, Chun-Yi2023-12-082027-12-052023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/99daa9c44d6cb5fd3ce6dfc696f59459/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120862設計領域在台灣隨著文化創意產業的興起越來越重視,設計學習的評論成為一種可以增加學生自主學習能力和審視自身學習情況的方法。資訊圖像隨著現在資訊越來越多,運用範圍也擴及政策宣傳、商品行銷、新聞快訊等層面,儼然成為一門專業設計學科,資訊圖像設計分為資料擷取、敘事轉化、視覺設計三個部分,這三個部分對應本研究設計的三個面向的評論題目,分別為主題呈現、資訊統計圖表、視覺設計。本研究收集國立師範大學基本設計的57位學生的資訊圖像作品,觀察整體學生對資訊圖像的認識、同儕評論及自我評論的內容異同,採用內容分析法,將這些資料以Nvivo質性分析軟體進行編碼,分別以「評論階層」、「海報元素」、「元素表現」做編碼依據,建立學生對資訊圖像海報的認識架構。結果發現,學生比較擅長描述和評斷資訊圖像海報,比較不擅長分析海報元素背後的涵義;重視清楚勝過於美感,重視簡化勝過於豐富,只有在資訊統計圖表中更重視豐富;重視元素與元素之間的呼應搭配,是設計領域模型中特別的元素表現。同儕評論與自我評論有相關,整體學生對資訊圖像的認識與自我評論略為相關,整體學生對資訊圖像的認識與評論不直接相關,希望本研究可以了解學生在學習設計上的想法和評論內容。Design is receiving an increasing amount of attention as Taiwan's cultural and creative fields grow. Peer review in design learning has become a way to increase students' self-learning ability and review their own learning situation. With more and more information nowadays, the scope of application of information images has also expanded to policy publicity, product marketing, news and newsletters, etc. It has become a professional design subject. Information images are divided into three categories: data capture, narrative transformation, and art design. We gathered the information graphics produced by 57 students enrolled in National Normal University's basic design course, and we studied at their peers' review, self-assessment and their own understanding of information images. To establish students' understanding of information image posters, these data are coded using the content analysis method and Nvivo qualitative analysis software, with the coding base being "Feldman's model of art criticism", "Constituents", and "Criteria elements". The results show that students do better while describing and analyzing information graphic posters than when interpreting the significance of the poster's elements. Students favor clarity over aesthetics and simplicity over diversity. They just emphasize diversity more so in information statistics charts. In the design field, the matching of elements and elements, which is a specific element expression, receives more attention from design study students. While students' understanding of information images is only somewhat associated with self-assessment, peer review and self-assessment are unconnected, and there is no correlation between students' understanding of information images and peer review. It is hoped that this results can provide educators with some suggestions on guiding students to design learning.設計學習資訊圖像認識架構學生評論Design learningInformation graphicsEpistemic criticismStudents' review資訊圖像設計學習與評論之研究A study on the learning and critiquing for informationgraphics designetd