黃文琴吳京一林金盾2014-10-272014-10-271996-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6730利用電子顯微鏡觀察東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel)複眼中央背側視細胞之桿小體微絨毛方向旋轉,結果可知依旋轉方向分為兩群:RI-3及R4-6;兩者旋轉方向互成鏡像。依其旋轉的程度可分為三種Region; region I;位於個眼角錐體以下約0-84±5μm處,其旋轉率約為0.225- 0.464º/μm,region II位於角錐體以下約84- 110±5μm處,微絨毛旋轉率約在1.606 - 5.28º/μm之間, region III位於角錐體以下約110160±5μm,旋轉率約在0.09 - 0.659º/μm。The rhabdomeres of retinular cells (R1 - 6) in the medial-dorsal region of the compound eye of Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel twist along their length were examined by electronmicroscopy. The 2 groups of rhabdome res, R1 - 3 and R4 - 6, twist in mirror-image directions. The twisting degree of microvilli of the rhabdomeres could be divided into three regions; region I: it was located at about 0 - 84 ± 5μm below the crystalline cone, their twisting rate were between 0.226 - 0.464° /μm, region II: about 84 - 110± 5μm below crystalline cone, twisting rate between 1.606 - 5.28° /μm, regionIII: about 110 - 160±5μm, twisting rate between 0.09 - 0.659° /μm.桿小體果實蠅旋轉RhabdomereFruit flyTwisting東方果實蠅複眼視細胞桿小體方向旋轉之研究Twisted Rhabdomeres of Compound Eyes in the Oriental Fruit Fly Bactrocera Dorsalis Hendel