吳正己游志弘Chih-Hung YU2019-08-292011-1-222019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695080257%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92989本研究之目的為,發展一套運用增廣實境輔助戶外教學活動的學習系統,並評估此系統實際應用於戶外教學活動中的使用成效。本研究發展之增廣實境戶外教學學習系統,使用PDA作為行動載具,並利用GPS的定位方式,提供活動導覽、學習資源、活動筆記本、學習歷程記錄、與地圖編輯等功能。系統評估的參與者為台北縣某國小五年級的兩班學生及其班級導師,教學活動包含「認識校園」和「金瓜石探索之旅」兩個學習活動。其中金瓜石探索之旅學習活動內容,配合社會領域之「人口和聚落變遷」單元進行規劃。評估方式是透過學生問卷、活動觀察記錄、教師訪談與焦點團體訪談等資料進行分析,以了解教師與學生對系統使用情形的態度與建議。 研究結果發現,運用增廣實境學習系統能輔助戶外教學活動的實施,增強學生於戶外教學中學習的過程,並提高學生的學習興趣,然而運用PDA來實現增廣實境的功能仍受到相當大的限制。最後,建議未來研究可發展其他類型的增廣實境學習資源,規劃更完善的戶外合作學習模式,並設計更便利的活動記錄功能。The purposes of this study were to develop and to evaluate an augmented reality system to facilitate elementary students’ outdoor learning activities. The augmented reality system was developed on PDAs, which equipped with a GPS component. The system provided students the following features: navigating on field trip locations, reading learning resources, taking notes, and recording the navigating path. We evaluated the effectiveness of the system by conducting two outdoor learning activities, one in the campus and the other in a museum park. The participants were two classes of 5th grade students and their class teachers. The findings of this study were: (1) the system is helpful in facilitating outdoor learning activities, (2) the augmented reality resource enhanced the process of learning, (3) students showed positive attitudes toward using the system, and (4) augmented reality features were limited by such a PDA-based environment. We suggested that future studies could further develop more perceptive augmented reality resources and structured collaborative learning mode to facilitate outdoor learning activities.增廣實境戶外教學Augmented RealityOutdoor Activity應用增廣實境技術輔助國小戶外教學Apply Augmented Reality to Facilitate Outdoor Learning Activities of Elementary School