呂有勝Lu, Yu-Sheng李柏辰Lee, Po-Chen2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060373010H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97015本文研究主為找出品質良好之加速度訊號,並應用於線性平台系統以達到更好的控制性能。本文實驗使用之加速規為壓電式和電容式加速規,並使用其量測之加速度應用於線性平台的追蹤控制。 研究動機是為改善加速規之缺陷,由於壓電式加速規無法量測到低頻訊號,因此壓電式加速規的運用是受限的;電容式加速規雖具有較完整之量測能力,但有訊號雜訊較大且動態頻寬較小之缺點。本論文主要提出整合式加速規及設計加速度觀測器,來改善加速規缺點;整合式加速規為融合電容式與壓電式加速規兩者,而加速度觀測器結合壓電式加速規量測的加速度訊號與光學尺量測的位置訊號,以補償壓電式加速規量測無法量測低頻加速度的缺陷。 本文實驗平台以伺服馬達結合導螺桿組成之線性平台,進行直線運動定位及追蹤控制。採用TI TMS320C6713 DSP與Xilinx可程式閘陣列(FPGA)結合而成之控制器硬體核心,並以C語言與硬體描述語言(VHDL)作為控制器設計之發展工具。本文使用提出的方法、壓電式與電容式加速規,以不同方式得到加速度訊號,並且使用於加速度干擾補償器(acceleration-based disturbance observer, ADOB)於平台的位置控制,以比較不同加速度訊號對控制性能的影響。由實驗結果可知,本文提出的方法皆能有較好的控制性能。This thesis is to find a good acceleration signal for high-precision control, in which piezoelectric and capacitive accelerometers are used. Although the piezoelectric accelerometer possesses excellent dynamics, it cannot measure the dc acceleration. On the other hand, the capacitive accelerometer is able to measure the dc acceleration, but its signal quality is poor and dynamic performance is inadequate. Therefore, this paper proposes a digitally integrated accelerometer and an observer to estimate the acceleration. The first one digitally fuses two accelerometers, that is, the piezoelectric and the capacitive accelerometers. The other one uses on the information on the position and also an acceleration signal that is produced by the piezoelectric accelerometer. The observer is devised to estimate the low-frequency components of acceleration that cannot be accurately measured by the piezoelectric accelerometer. This paper experimental systems: one contains a brushless servo motor and a commercially available single-axis ball screw. In the experimental system, the control kernel is a DSP/FPGA system, and the C language and VHDL are utilized as developing tools for the servo control system. An acceleration-based disturbance observer (ADOB) to experimentally compare performance of various acceleration signals. Experimental results show that the proposed schemes can produce better transient and steady responses than past approaches.觀測器壓電式加速規電容式加速規加速度干擾估測器observerpiezoelectric accelerometercapacitive accelerometeracceleration-based disturbance observer加速度觀測器於線性平台之追蹤控制應用Acceleration Observation for Tracking Control of a Linear Motion Stage