陳學志張義雄Chen, Xue-ZhiChang, I-Hsiung陳姝蓉Chen, Shu-Jung2023-12-082023-06-262023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/06a12e89bf61a39583f804827109f2f0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120220近年來,台灣社會面臨少子化的問題,導致整體學生數量逐漸減少,加上近幾年新冠肺炎的流行,改變了長期以來的學習習慣,很多課程從實體轉為線上,為仰賴實體上課的補習班市場帶來了一定程度的經營挑戰。補習班業者目前面臨的困境是如何在競爭激烈的市場中生存下來,並且維持穩定的營收。同時,補習班亦在少子化環境中需要不斷地調整和優化自己的經營策略、行銷策略以及轉型策略,以滿足學生和家長的需求,藉此增加市場佔有率,並維持事業的長期發展動能。本研究旨在探討台灣少子化之下,補習班業者所採取的相關策略。透過個案分析,本研究從補習班業者的角度出發,分析其面臨的問題與挑戰,以及其所採取的對應策略。主要探討目前少子化下,補習班營運的競爭策略、行銷策略以及未來轉型策略為何?透過對這些問題的探討,進而了解補習班業者在少子化的情況下所能採取的策略方向及轉型重點。本研究採用數個分析工具來拆解三個個案的優劣勢、營運機會與威脅、行銷策略以及轉型方向。研究結論顯示,補習班的營運競爭策略需從「量化」轉變成為「質化」,行銷策略則是透過市場區隔、個別化行銷…等作法來擴大佔有率。至於未來轉型策略則是朝著教學客製化、課程多元化及運營聯盟化的方向轉型。在本研究的基礎之上,甫進入市場的新補習班因缺乏經濟規模,建議其朝個別化教學、高品質及高單價的方向來做服務規劃。同時,新成立的補習班應善用科技輔助教學,達到人力精簡但品質不減的營運效率。對於已具備一定規模的補習班,本研究建議其檢視自身的優劣勢,開展個別化或線上課程業務來做為其應對少子化的營運具體作法。在勞動力及學生數雙雙不足的大環境底下,期望透過本研究的個案分析,能夠對補習班的經營、行銷和轉型策略擬定有所幫助,並可做為補習班經營之參考。Abstract In recent years, Taiwan has been facing the challenge of declining birth rates, resulting in a gradual decrease in the number of students. In addition, the outbreak of Covid-19 in the past few years changed the learning dynamic as more courses have shifted from physical to online classes. This poses certain level of challenges for cram schools. The obstacle that cram school operators are facing is how to survive in a highly competitive market and maintain stable revenue. In the low fertility rate environment, cram schools need to constantly adjust and optimize their operational, marketing, and transforming strategies in order to increase market share and ensure long-term growth.This study aims to explore the business strategies adopted by cram school owners in Taiwan under the context of declining birth rates. From the standpoint of owners, this study analyzes problems and challenges as well as strategies adopted by the means of case studies. More specifically, this study aims to find out what types of operational, marketing, and transforming strategies are suitable under the current low fertility rate environment. By analyzing those issues, the study hopes to find out the important factors in forming such strategies.Using several analytical tools, this study breaks down the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as marketing and transforming directions. This study concludes that the operational strategies need to transform from pursuing quantities to qualities. In terms of marketing strategies, owners of cram schools need to adopt market segmentation and individualized marketing in order to gain market shares. As for transforming strategies, this study suggests customized class design, diverse classes and operating under an alliance as strategical directions.On the basis of this study, new entrants of the cram school market are suggested to engage in offering high quality customized educational services while charging higher unit prices. At the same time, in response to shortage of labors, new cram schools are encouraged to adopt technological aids to increase operational efficiencies. For schools of certain sizes that already reached economy of scales, this study suggests them to examine their own strengths and weaknesses and extends product lines into individualized and online classes in response to the low fertility rate issues. Under the current shortage of both labour and students, the context of this study aims to contribute to the forming of suitable operational, marketing, and transforming strategies for cram school alike.少子化補習班經營策略行銷策略轉型策略Low BirthrateCram SchoolBusiness StrategyMarketing StrategyTransforming Strategy台灣少子化之下補習班經營策略個案分析Case Study on the Business Strategies of Learning Centers in Taiwan Under the Low Fertility Rateetd