郭禎祥劉賢美2020-12-102003-8-272020-12-102003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000258%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115637本研究乃基於e時代網路的盛行嘗試設計網路藝術課程的觀察,以及透過行動研究增進教師專業知能的成長。藉由K12數位學校平台進行網路藝術課程實施教學行動,目的在於進行網路藝術課程之規劃與實施的歷程,以及以行動研究法進行網路藝術課程的意義。 本研究先以探討相關的文獻資料,並增加對於研究的了解;並以行動研究為方法,專家學者的意見規劃課程於虛擬教室進行教學,由行動中反省教學與修正課程設計發展方向。獲得以下研究的結果: 1、教學者要進行網路課程設計除了對電腦熟悉外,對於設計的課程的內涵、方式以及課程設定的了解是有必要性。 2、教學者對於設計的課程的內涵、方式以及課程設定,也會影響實施的策略。 3、透過行動研究實施與反省,影響課程規劃與實施的因素,也使教學者 對於網路課程實施改進的動力。 筆者誠懇地建議於實施網路藝術課程教學者: 1、應用網路資源進行網路教學是可行,網路課程需要團隊合作,課程才能發展進行。 2、對於課程結果或是行動研究的效能,從學生的學習態度,採取包容評價及鼓勵、讚美的態度同時站在協助、輔導者角色。In view of the popularity of e-network era, the study made an attempt in observing designs of Internet Arts Curriculum and tried to forward teachers’ professional knowledge through action inquiry. By cooperating with K12 Digital School, Internet Arts Curriculum and instructing actions were taken. The purpose was to understand the planning and implementation of Internet Arts Curriculum and to conceive the practice through Action Inquiry. The study probed into correlated documents firstly before taking into action. Then, by way of Action Inquiry cooperation together with experts and scholars, an instructing session was processed in a virtual classroom. Through the action progress, the way of teaching and design of session were examined and amended. The results of the study are as the followings: 1. Besides comprehension with computers, to proceed with Internet Arts Curriculum, instructors must understand the design of content, way of instructing and setting of sessions. 2. The design of content, way of instructing and setting of sessions would affect progress of classes. 3. Through implementation of Action Inquiry, effecting factors of session planning and practice can be examined. This can be a motivation for instructors to improve practice of Internet Art Curriculum. Final suggestions for instructors practicing Internet Arts Curriculum: 1. By application of Internet resources, Internet Arts Curriculum is practicable. However, teamwork is essential for sessions to progress smoothly. 2. For outcome of sessions or efficacy of Action Inquiry, one should adapt a humble learning attitude to evaluate, encourage and praise them as an consultan﹒網路藝術課程設計網路藝術課程之行動研究